Compassion is learned through the experiences of the 'not'. Each one of you will at some time in your life experience the state of being 'not'.
Not enough
Not good enough
Not old enough
Not tall enough
Not short enough
Not skinny enough
Not big enough
Not the right color of skin
Not the right religion
Not the right Nationality
Not born on the right side of the tracks
Another way that we experience life in order to learn compassion is through the act of betrayal. When we feel betrayed by another it really is a wake u call to come into our own inner power. The power of our God given right we have to choose for ourselves that which we desire to experience. A betrayal is an opportunity to search our souls to find that which is of the TRUTH, not that which is temporal and temporary and considered to be TRUE by a few.
Truth is eternal, it is never changing and ever present for those who seek it. The TRUTH is kind, gracious and full of hope. The TRUTH will set you free from the illusions of this earth, time and space. It will open doors and windows of exquisite peace and opportunities for expansion of life here upon the earth. The TRUTH will change and raise the energy level of mankind and release judgments, ego, and false precepts.
There are laws that have always existed upon which the universe evolves through time and space. These laws are not subject to time and space, they are ever flowing throughout all time and all eternity. Even the Gods must learn obedience to these laws in order to become Gods.
Coming into an understanding of these truths will set you free. It will allow you to learn through you choices and pull grace into your experiences. Thus you will learn compassion for your self, and others.
Never has it been more vital than NOW to learn to live your life through these eternal laws. There is much pain and suffering that cn be dispelled by accessing these laws and bringing them down onto the earth plane.
To feel and act compassionately towards another, will empower that individual to learn self-respect, self-esteem and to begin to heal their life. To feel and act compassionately towards your self will also do the same. When you act towards your self in this manner, you then set an example for others. They will see your light and will thus seek their own light. What a powerful principle that is set forth when just one individual chooses to claim their own light!
ESTEEM: To esteem is to hold in high regard, to value, to treasure, to hold in your heart the TRUTH of yourself or another. When it is understood that the original creation of the soul was in the Image of God, which is LOVE, it is much easier to begin to grasp the concept of who you truly are. Love is characterized throughout history as being charity, kindness, having forbearance, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Many of us have been taught to seek that which is of the TRUTH. True Love is of the highest TRUTH obtainable, it is priceless. The pearls of great price which we seek will only be found through the TRUTH combined with the LOVE of our first creation in the image of God.
Dear Ones:
Conscious acts of compassionate love bring the most exquisite joy to oneself.
Every act you perform brings to you consequences equal to your action. This you would call cause and effect, karma, dharma, etc.
Savor each moment of your life here on the earth -- Even as you savor your pain and your taumas you are wrapping them with Love, Passion and Compassion.
To Savor life brings you closer to the Savior, whom to Christianity is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
One can no longer continue to carry the genetic codes of the ancestors. It is time for the chains of death and hell to be broken, cleansed, and restructured according to the God Codes.
The Inanna