Today I will begin posting on this blog using dates as opposed to titles. My life has shifted and I must follow. The posts will share with you more of my personal journey, through my experiences and Inanna will step in and assist when I need her help. Please be patient as this is a journey of great importance, not only to me, but to those of you who read this blog and can relate to any part of my story. MariahInanna
Dear Ones,
Today MariahInanna's heart is very heavy. She has finally realized that she must tell her story before she can begin to share more with you about our journey together. We are going to help her for it is a burden she can't carry alone any longer.
There are many of you out there that also carry burdenous stories within your bodies. It is time for you to begin to release the pain that you all carry in common. Sometimes telling a story is hard because you do not want to hurt those who lived through the stories with you. Because each of you experienced each particular part from your own perspective you will not be in agreement with one another. For this reason she has asked us to help her. In order to not cause more pain, she wants you to know that it is only a story. She has done much healing and does not live her life in the pain that is spoken of in the words of this book.
MariahInanna strives to live in Joy and to be grateful in all things and to look for the good in all situations. Her life is full of incredible gifts of grace, family and friends, projects, music and walking in the beautiful desert. Her heart is healing and she desires that you know that you too can heal from your abuse.
You have all suffered abuse at the hands of others. Physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse. There are many layers and levels of abuse and no one can say one is more detrimental than another. Abuse is Abuse. You can NOT justify it, you can NOT chart it and say that this is a 1 and that is a 10. It is all equally unjustifiable and it is time for each of you to tell your stories, and shout from the rooftops that all forms of abuse stop NOW!
This book will have shared writing. Much will be written by MariahInanna and when her pain becomes too great, I, The Goddess Inanna will step in and help her by telling the story from a third party perspective.
Blessings to all who share this journey with us,
The Goddess Inanna
I am the Goddess Inanna. I am here Dear Ones to help you to claim your BIRTHRIGHT TO BE HAPPY! Returning you to a remembrance of Love and Kindness, moving you toward Wholeness (Holiness).
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
All of the Great Masters have spoken of and written of the Oneness, the state of Being at one with all thing. So too, do we teach of that.
Dear ones, it matters not to us whom or what you profess to worship, we are here to assist each of you to BE the LOVE that you are and to help you to return to the Source of your creation. We desire that you choose to do this in the kindest way possible, for it was never intended that you live lives full of pain and grief that is so unbearable that it weighs you down and stops your JOY.
Breathe again, let it go, breathe and let it go. Allow the winds to carry it out of your body and back to the light to be healed. Feel the freedom, Relax; Enjoy, 'BE IN JOY', ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS.
Blessings, Inanna
Dear ones, it matters not to us whom or what you profess to worship, we are here to assist each of you to BE the LOVE that you are and to help you to return to the Source of your creation. We desire that you choose to do this in the kindest way possible, for it was never intended that you live lives full of pain and grief that is so unbearable that it weighs you down and stops your JOY.
Breathe again, let it go, breathe and let it go. Allow the winds to carry it out of your body and back to the light to be healed. Feel the freedom, Relax; Enjoy, 'BE IN JOY', ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS.
Blessings, Inanna
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Dear Ones, we are here to assist you in letting go of all your limitations. Your limited thinking is keeping you caught and trapped in a tight and rigid life experience. Your limited thinking that you must suffer and pay penance for experiences that don't matter, keeps all manner of MATTER manifesting in your LIFE experiences.
By choosing to move into looking and thinking of all the possibilities you desire from your heart center will open doors one after another for you to experience so many possibilities that have the God Codes of JOY written in them.
Your original creation was in the image of “GOD” and that is LOVE, PEACE, and JOY.
Dear Ones, it is much easier and kinder for you to choose to remember and live your life in remembrance of your original creation than it is living your life in the second creation, that of duality.
A life lived in duality as you have experienced thus far has brought to you frustrations, anxieties, anger, lust, resentments, and many other painful emotions.
As you choose to remember your your original creation of LOVE it is possible to REST from all the cares and worries that have plagued your life thus far.
Love thyself as they neighbor. As you Love yourself, you learn compassion. As you love our neighbor, you learn empathy. These are two great tools which will change your heart and allow you to let go of your harsh judgments that you have sent forth out into the Universe and have kept you bound, chained and shackled. It is time to let it ALL go!
Breathe, Dear Ones, let it go as you blow our your breath. Take a minute or two to for your mind and your body to process this information.
Many of you profess to follow the great Master/Teacher Jesus Christ. You claim that he suffered for your sins in what you call the 'atonement'. We would ask you, “Why do you still carry all the pain in your bodies, if you truly believe that he paid the price and ransomed you? You make a mocking of his Sacrifice when you do this, Dear ones.
We are here to assist those of you who have this belief system to claim that Atonement, we call it, The At One Ment – the state of Being at one with all things.
All of the Great Masters have spoken of and written of the Oneness, the state of Being at one with all thing. So too, do we teach of that.
Dear ones, it matters not to us whom or what you profess to worship, we are here to assist each of you to BE the LOVE that you are and to help you to return to the Source of your creation. We desire that you choose to do this in the kindest way possible, for it was never intended that you live lives full of pain and grief that is so unbearable that it weighs you down and stops your JOY.
Breathe again, let it go, breathe and let it go. Allow the winds to carry it out of your body and back to the light to be healed. Feel the freedom, Relax; Enjoy, 'BE IN JOY', ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS.
Blessings, Inanna
By choosing to move into looking and thinking of all the possibilities you desire from your heart center will open doors one after another for you to experience so many possibilities that have the God Codes of JOY written in them.
Your original creation was in the image of “GOD” and that is LOVE, PEACE, and JOY.
Dear Ones, it is much easier and kinder for you to choose to remember and live your life in remembrance of your original creation than it is living your life in the second creation, that of duality.
A life lived in duality as you have experienced thus far has brought to you frustrations, anxieties, anger, lust, resentments, and many other painful emotions.
As you choose to remember your your original creation of LOVE it is possible to REST from all the cares and worries that have plagued your life thus far.
Love thyself as they neighbor. As you Love yourself, you learn compassion. As you love our neighbor, you learn empathy. These are two great tools which will change your heart and allow you to let go of your harsh judgments that you have sent forth out into the Universe and have kept you bound, chained and shackled. It is time to let it ALL go!
Breathe, Dear Ones, let it go as you blow our your breath. Take a minute or two to for your mind and your body to process this information.
Many of you profess to follow the great Master/Teacher Jesus Christ. You claim that he suffered for your sins in what you call the 'atonement'. We would ask you, “Why do you still carry all the pain in your bodies, if you truly believe that he paid the price and ransomed you? You make a mocking of his Sacrifice when you do this, Dear ones.
We are here to assist those of you who have this belief system to claim that Atonement, we call it, The At One Ment – the state of Being at one with all things.
All of the Great Masters have spoken of and written of the Oneness, the state of Being at one with all thing. So too, do we teach of that.
Dear ones, it matters not to us whom or what you profess to worship, we are here to assist each of you to BE the LOVE that you are and to help you to return to the Source of your creation. We desire that you choose to do this in the kindest way possible, for it was never intended that you live lives full of pain and grief that is so unbearable that it weighs you down and stops your JOY.
Breathe again, let it go, breathe and let it go. Allow the winds to carry it out of your body and back to the light to be healed. Feel the freedom, Relax; Enjoy, 'BE IN JOY', ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS.
Blessings, Inanna
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Dear Ones –
We are with you – Breathe – good – Feel us as we minister to you – allow us to remove you pain and anxieties –
Allow the Peace of the Eternal Peace to fill you – YOU – each of you have been chosen and called to open your hearts and receive the Love of the Divine – It is for all to experience – not just a chosen few – for EVERY ONE to experience and bring into their life – That each may bask in the Light of such Love that heals all grief and sorrow and leaves only JOY!
Joy at the core and essence of your BEING – BE STILL Dear One – and return to the source of that JOY – For this is the image of your original creation – the Image of JOY!
Blessings, Inanna
We are with you – Breathe – good – Feel us as we minister to you – allow us to remove you pain and anxieties –
Allow the Peace of the Eternal Peace to fill you – YOU – each of you have been chosen and called to open your hearts and receive the Love of the Divine – It is for all to experience – not just a chosen few – for EVERY ONE to experience and bring into their life – That each may bask in the Light of such Love that heals all grief and sorrow and leaves only JOY!
Joy at the core and essence of your BEING – BE STILL Dear One – and return to the source of that JOY – For this is the image of your original creation – the Image of JOY!
Blessings, Inanna
Friday, November 19, 2010
Dear Ones,
Have you felt your JOY today? Have you taken a few minutes to breathe and to think upon those things which fill your heart with that which sustains you on a daily basis?
Have you pondered upon and given Thanks for your life? For the air you breathe? What of the flowers? The sound of happy and joyful children?
Have you focused on HOW MUCH – YOU – are loved by the Divine?
Take a few moments now to express gratitude for your many Blessings and feel your Soul expand – experience the flow of blood through your body – your very heart beats with the rhythm of the Divine, the Universe.
Remember ALWAYS that you are loved and valued among the Lord's Sheep.
Blessings, Inanna
Have you felt your JOY today? Have you taken a few minutes to breathe and to think upon those things which fill your heart with that which sustains you on a daily basis?
Have you pondered upon and given Thanks for your life? For the air you breathe? What of the flowers? The sound of happy and joyful children?
Have you focused on HOW MUCH – YOU – are loved by the Divine?
Take a few moments now to express gratitude for your many Blessings and feel your Soul expand – experience the flow of blood through your body – your very heart beats with the rhythm of the Divine, the Universe.
Remember ALWAYS that you are loved and valued among the Lord's Sheep.
Blessings, Inanna
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dear Ones,
We desire for you to know how much you MATTER -- because everything is created with matter -- energy, is matter in motion, everything has a vibrational rate.
You -- you were created from Joy, the Joy of the Universe. You have within you that spark of which is the "highest" vibration within the Universe.
Thus, Dear Ones, YOU MATTER to the Universe -- Your existence is of vital importance to the successful transitions that are being presented to your planet at this time.
Were you NOT it would be impossible for these transitions to take place.
As you understand that you Matter and then act out in your magnificence, you assist in this transition. When you believe that you do not matter the transition shifts to a lower, slower gear and creates hardships and pain for all - and those who understand these laws get to learn patience as they pray for you and send their healing rays of matter to you until the time that you return to your magnificence and claim your rightful place within all organized MATTER.
As you are created in the image of Matter that vibrates with Joy, you are endowed with pure potentiality -- as you acknowledge your matter, you begin to have the capacity to bring more matter into visibility.
Everything in the Universe is comprised of this matter -- the earth, water, rocks, plants, animals, houses, clothes, cars, money.
Dear Ones, do you understand? The more you understand and believe that you matter to all that is; the more connected you become to that which you desire. And, the easier it is for you to attract all MATTER that you desire into your life.
When you match vibration for vibration, Dear Ones, this can happen instantaneously.
This is how Christ fed thousands with a small amount of bread and a few fish. He knew the people were hungry, He knew that his existence Mattered to the Universe and He desired that his followers each knew that they MATTERED. -- AND SO IT WAS
We desire for you to know how much you MATTER -- because everything is created with matter -- energy, is matter in motion, everything has a vibrational rate.
You -- you were created from Joy, the Joy of the Universe. You have within you that spark of which is the "highest" vibration within the Universe.
Thus, Dear Ones, YOU MATTER to the Universe -- Your existence is of vital importance to the successful transitions that are being presented to your planet at this time.
Were you NOT it would be impossible for these transitions to take place.
As you understand that you Matter and then act out in your magnificence, you assist in this transition. When you believe that you do not matter the transition shifts to a lower, slower gear and creates hardships and pain for all - and those who understand these laws get to learn patience as they pray for you and send their healing rays of matter to you until the time that you return to your magnificence and claim your rightful place within all organized MATTER.
As you are created in the image of Matter that vibrates with Joy, you are endowed with pure potentiality -- as you acknowledge your matter, you begin to have the capacity to bring more matter into visibility.
Everything in the Universe is comprised of this matter -- the earth, water, rocks, plants, animals, houses, clothes, cars, money.
Dear Ones, do you understand? The more you understand and believe that you matter to all that is; the more connected you become to that which you desire. And, the easier it is for you to attract all MATTER that you desire into your life.
When you match vibration for vibration, Dear Ones, this can happen instantaneously.
This is how Christ fed thousands with a small amount of bread and a few fish. He knew the people were hungry, He knew that his existence Mattered to the Universe and He desired that his followers each knew that they MATTERED. -- AND SO IT WAS
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