Dear Ones ~
Do you have dreams and desires in your hearts that are yearning to be made manifest into the physical?
Do you yearn to be healed from some physical, mental, emotional or spiritual malady?
Do you feel like you are being 'called' to something and you don't know exactly what it is or 'how to put your finger on it'?
These snippets of inspiration come directly from your God-Codes. They are written in in your cell tissue, and felt in your heart.
As you learn to enter your heart ~ Be still and Listen, you will be guided to discover the how, when, where and why of these dreams and desires. Thoughts and ideas will flow into your consciousness, guiding you towards your desires.
You receive downloads throughout your life when you are ready for the next phase of your life. It is important, Dear Ones, that when you receive a download that you follow your directions ~ stop pretending that you didn't hear your instructions! Stop negating what your instructions are telling you to do! Always remain open to the possibility that you can not possibly know the outcome of any situation in your life.
We desire to share with you that there are many of our out there that are learning to trust this process with much success ~ and we must say, that at times their instructions are fully opposite as to what their belief system was at the time. We are pleased that they followed with faith. They were rewarded with a peace that can come in nor other way. Learning to trust Divine Guidance is well worth the risk of staying stuck where you are.
To those that have followed we are pleased. They have received totally unexpected healing from following their instructions. They risked everything they thought they knew and let go and let their Divine Guidance guide them.
Trust that the Love and Esteem that the Divine hold you in is far greater than you can possibly imagine and these things are Divinely orchestrated for your greatest and highest good.
Remember, Dear Ones, that your “Gut Feelings” are your “God Feelings” and go the Gold! Allow the dross of your life to be released, leaving only the Precious Gold! YOU! Whole and fully present in your life.
Blessings Inanna
15 April 2011
I am the Goddess Inanna. I am here Dear Ones to help you to claim your BIRTHRIGHT TO BE HAPPY! Returning you to a remembrance of Love and Kindness, moving you toward Wholeness (Holiness).
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
19 July 2011
Dear Ones,
We desire that you know of our Love for you ~ we support you in your efforts of healing. Take a breath, feel our love for you. Your are most precious and the path you travel on the earth is one specifically orchestrated for you, to empower you to come into your own Divine Power and Wholeness ~ The Holiness of YOU ~ That part of you that is most sacred.
Part of your journey is to uncover those things which are not of the utmost Truth ~ these things we call illusions. It is but an illusion that you, Dear One, are powerless to change the pain you experience into Joy.
You, Dear One, are created in the image of God and therefore you have within you the seeds of the Glory of God.
We would like to share with you for your understanding that the abuse you have suffered did not start with your perpetrator, it did not start with their perpetrator. Also, it may not end with you.
It can, Dear One, end within you as you learn compassion for your self and those wo continue to perpetuate crimes against another human Being which is truly only a crime against their self.
When you let go of your resistance you can let go of the pain you carry in your emotional body and the cell tissue of your physical body. You will be free for you will know the Truth of the situation.
Abusive situations have been passed down for generations and the only way to stop it is to bring it out into the Light of Day and embrace it with Love and Compassion. To go to your perpetrator with Forgiveness, Love and Compassion can free both of you from the pain you carry.
Forgiveness is not and never has been optional, Dear Ones ~ Forgiveness is for giving yourself a fresh start, a clean slate. It is for releasing yourself and opening your dungeons and setting your prisoners free and allowing them to come out into the Light of day that all illusions may be dispelled.
We desire that you know of our Love for you ~ we support you in your efforts of healing. Take a breath, feel our love for you. Your are most precious and the path you travel on the earth is one specifically orchestrated for you, to empower you to come into your own Divine Power and Wholeness ~ The Holiness of YOU ~ That part of you that is most sacred.
Part of your journey is to uncover those things which are not of the utmost Truth ~ these things we call illusions. It is but an illusion that you, Dear One, are powerless to change the pain you experience into Joy.
You, Dear One, are created in the image of God and therefore you have within you the seeds of the Glory of God.
We would like to share with you for your understanding that the abuse you have suffered did not start with your perpetrator, it did not start with their perpetrator. Also, it may not end with you.
It can, Dear One, end within you as you learn compassion for your self and those wo continue to perpetuate crimes against another human Being which is truly only a crime against their self.
When you let go of your resistance you can let go of the pain you carry in your emotional body and the cell tissue of your physical body. You will be free for you will know the Truth of the situation.
Abusive situations have been passed down for generations and the only way to stop it is to bring it out into the Light of Day and embrace it with Love and Compassion. To go to your perpetrator with Forgiveness, Love and Compassion can free both of you from the pain you carry.
Forgiveness is not and never has been optional, Dear Ones ~ Forgiveness is for giving yourself a fresh start, a clean slate. It is for releasing yourself and opening your dungeons and setting your prisoners free and allowing them to come out into the Light of day that all illusions may be dispelled.
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