Dear Ones,
We are concerned that you struggle too much with your challenges. A challenge is not to lead you into stress, despair, feelings of unworthiness, etc. A challenge is an opportunity for you to meet that which resides within you and desires a pathway of being acknowledged and then lovingly released.
There can be no offense when an incident is not taken personally. We are each personally accountable for ourselves and only for ourselves. If it comes out of our mouth, from our actions, our thoughts, desires and intents, IT is about the 'self'. When it come out of another person's mouth, their actions, thought, desires and intents, IT is about 'them', the other.
When it is personal, coming forth from within, then you are able to make changes from within. One of the major obstacles is that many strive to overcome challenges by looking outside of self for the answers.
Dear Ones, each and everyone of you have been from the beginning downloaded with The God Codes. They exist within your cell tissue, your heart, and your bones. Take time too remember who you are and in whose image you have been created.
You come directly from the Divine, to dwell upon this fabulous earth with purpose and intent encoded within you. As you learn to release others to their own personal journey and take upon yourself YOUR personal journey. You will begin to know yourself and for what purpose you have been born.
It is vital for each of your to return to that Source from with you come and which is encoded within you. Take time each day to connect with yourself on higher levels. Know the Truth of YOU. Know that your thoughts are prayers and carry the vibration of prayer, every thought is heard and answered. Take time to listen and to know that you are loved, heard and valued. You are never left alone to dwell here in loneliness, despair and turmoil.
As you release the turmoil within you, you will cease to see, hear and feel the turmoils that resides on the outside of you. You will then dwell in peace, love and joy.
Blessings, Inanna