Thursday, October 8, 2009


Today, Dear Ones, we would like to speak to you of your fears--

Remember, there are only two E-motions from which ALL other emotions flow, Love and Fear.  Love is the fullness of all there is; Fear is the lack of remembering in whose image you have been created.

God is Love and you are therefore, LOVE -- when you truly remember that, when Love is present, the illusions of fear fall away.

There are many of you caught in the illusion of fear -- especially with the economy standing on such fragile legs -- you are feeling insecure and you are being led  by the seeds of fear.  You are looking outside of yourself to find answers that will bring you peace.  Dear Ones, know that the answers are all within your "Being".  Have you not been promised that you are more important than the sands of the sea, the birds and the trees?  The Gods are watching over you, your angels stand poised, ready to act on your behalf.  They wait only for your asking for their assistance.  Ask and it shall be given.

We ask that you go beyond your shallow belief system, which has been carefully planted by the sowers of fear -- all those who would control you and ask that you be less than you are!

Go deep into your stillness -- into your "Heart of the Sacred" where your Truth abides.  You will hear the "All Abiding Peace of God's Love and Protection.  You will know of your worth and your worthiness to share in the Wealth -- the Great Abundance of the Universe of the Divine.

You would never refuse your child all that is in your power to assist them for their good -- know that God awaits your requests -- through Prayer and even your Thoughts -- to serve you and give you all that you ask.

God's answers are immediately put into motion -- it is important for us to note here that what you ask is always answered.  However, it does not always appear in the exact way or timing that you envision it coming.  It will manifest in ways that serve your greatest and highest good to assist you in fulfilling the measure of your creation  -- the desires and intents which have been placed in your heart since your creation in the image of God's LOVE.

To release fear you must let go of your perceptions that you have control of your life.  You scripted your life before you entered this physical life.  You sat down with the Gods, your angels, and your earthly associates, family, friends, co-workers-- to co-create a life that would bring you great joy.  Some of these associates even agreed to treat you in such ways as to bring pain into your life.  This is to give you a taste of that which is opposite of LOVE in order for you to learn to choose again and again until you find your way out of the pain into the LOVE.

In the first part of your, life you are said to be fated by these contracts stated above.  It is through experiencing that which was scripted to become your fate, that you can determine YOUR DESTINY, through the choices you make from the point of FATE.  There is GREAT POWER in your choices.

Louise Hays

Your challenge is to fine tune your choices, like tuning an instrument, or tuning into a television channel, or a radio.  As you learn to tune into your Inner Knowing and understand how to discern through your choices, you begin to build your ability to make choices that bring you into great joy.  Through the power of discernment you can feel the consequences of your choices.  It it feels good, then we would encourage you to continue along that same line of choice, however, if it brings pain into your life, we would encourage you to look at all of the possibilities that lay on the table before you to partake in.  By using your power of discernment before you actually make a choice you are more likely to make a choice that will bring you happiness.

We would like to re-state the principle of choice for you again to help you to re-enforce this concept as it may be new to many of you reading this blog.  As you listen to your inner knowing, voices,  and survey the choices before you -- if you "feel good", make the choice, if the results "feel good" -- continue on that path.  If, however, the choice brings back to you, "feeling bad" -- step back -- use your power of discernment and determine a new plan of action -- a new choice.

When you follow this model -- your life will flow downstream -- and it takes far less effort on your behalf -- you will gently guide your life by your choices -- always be open to making new and different choices.  The part of your lives that is most exciting for us to watch is when you understand this simple concept -- that you have the power to change your life drastically for good, or not, simply by making one new and different choice.

As you move through your life and rough waters appear, and they will, you will find your way through them much easier as you incorporate this simple concept.  Life becomes exciting and you feel fulfilled -- you learn to rejoice and feel full and filled with peace, love and joy.  It is important for you to experience these e-motions in this life time.  It was never intended for you to have to wait until you die and "maybe" go to heaven to be happy.  You are to "BE HAPPY" now, here in this present moment.

One very important choice for you to make is to choose to express gratitude in all things, for this is an eternal law, it is true for all and it works for all when you incorporate it into your life.  To express gratitude in all things is always rewarded 10 fold (10 times).  When you express gratitude for all things, you receive a gift -- wrapped in gold -- and it is most priceless.

When you express gratitude for your challenges, the Diving look upon you with grace.  They know that you understand that each challenge brings to you greater love of others, more compassion, empathy is increased and you learn first hand how such actions bring pain into the world and you begin to make choices that will only bring the LOVE that you are here upon the earth.  By this example others will learn that they too can change their minds and begin to make new choices and you will experience the domino effect.  Your earth will experience a huge energy shift.  You will watch wars stop, greed disappear and loved ones heal from all manner of dis-ease.

It is our desire that you know that this is much easier than it seems, much easier than living in FEAR.  The changes can only happy as one person at a time chooses to make a new choice, and then another new choice, and another new choice, choices that are selfless, choices made from the HEART and serve the good of all mankind.

This path will bring you HOME, it always takes one home.  HOME is in your HEART OF THE SACRED, wherein the soul resides.  This is where HEAVEN is, you have brought HEAVEN TO EARTH, earth being a symbol of your body.  The "Heart of the Sacred" opens and says, "Well done -- Come in and REST!"

Received from The Goddess Inanna 7 July 2009

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