Sunday, October 31, 2010


Dear Ones –

We desire to speak to you of your choices.

Every thought brings unto you the opportunity to choose.

Each experience of accountability helps you in defining and refining your choices.

If is said that earth life is comparable to the refiners' fire, and it is. It is for refining the Lead of the Earth, the body, and changing it into the Gold of Heaven, that which is Eternal.

We are here to tell you that it is time for heaven to be brought down onto the Earth Plane.

Dear ones, you are to stop 'dying' to go to Heaven and open your doors to your heart and allow Heaven to transcend below all that you have suffered and now suffer that you may live in the here and now in the JOY that has been promised by all of the Ascended Masters.

The Ascended Masters the the “Great Teacher” of the earth, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Teresa of Avila, Mary Magdalene, Gandhi, St Francis of Assisi, and Rumi to name a few.

Study them, simplify your life, they set the example of 'Letting Go' in order that the Gods/Goddesses (Divine) could assist them to bring about miracles.

Miracles, Dear Ones, are experienced when we let go of our expectations and allow Life to flow through us. Set aside what yo think and allow yourself to move into the essence of allowing and you will experience shifts all around you. You will experience miracles of a magnitude of huge proportions.

We are waiting for you to let go in order for us to begin assisting yo in the manifestation of many miracles in your life. To bring forth from the unseen into the seen, the unheard into the heard, the untasted into the tasted, the unfeeling, into the feeling, the unknown into the known.

Know Thyself and you will know all things.

Blessings, Inanna

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