Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Letting GO!

Dear Ones,
We are here to assist you in letting go of all your limitations.  Your limited thinking is keeping you caught and trapped in a tight and rigid life experience.  Your limited thinking that you must suffer and pay penance for experiences that do not matter any longer, for they are very, very old, keeps all NEW MATTER of manifesting in your life experiences in the here and now.

By choosing to move into looking and thinking of all the possibilities you desire from your heart center will open doors one after another for you to experience.  There are so many possibilities that have the GOD CODES OF JOY written on them just waiting for you.

Your original creation was in the image of "God/Goddess" and that is the image of THEIR LOVE, PEACE, AND JOY!

Dear ones, it is much easier and kinder for you to choose to remember and live your life in remembrance of your original creation than it is of living your life in the creation of this earth life, that of duality. A life lived in duality as you have experienced thus far has brought to you frustrations, anxieties, anger, lust, resentments and many other painful emotions.

As you choose to remember your original creation of LOVE, it is possible to REST from all the cares and worries that have plagued your life thus far.  Another way of stating this is to REST from your labors, it is laborious to hang on to these beliefs any longer.

Love thyself as thy neighbor.  As you love yourself, you learn compassion.  As you love yourself, you learn empathy.  These are two great tools which will change your heart and allow you to let go. Your harsh judgments that you have set forth out into the Universe have kept you bound.  It is time to let them go, for they have kept you bound, chained and shackled.


Breathe deeply, Dear Ones, let it go as you blow out your breath.

Many of you profess to flow the Great Master Teacher Jesus Christ. You claim that he suffered for your sins in what you call the Atonement.  This is the AT One Ment.  We would ask you, "Why do you still carry all the pain in your bodies if you truly believe that he paid the price for your mistakes?  You make a mocking of his sacrifice when you do this Dear Ones.We are here to ask those of you who have this belief system to claim that belief to accept the healing powers of that gift.

For those of you who may not have that belief, we would ask you to let your pain go to whatever you claim as your Source.  Give it to that Source to heal and cleanse yourself of your pain. 

Dear Ones, it matters not to us whom or what you profess to worship and believe in, we are here to assist each of you to BE the LOVE that you are and to return to your Source, of your creation that you may truly fulfill the measure of your creation in this lifetime.

We are the Inanna

Choice and Accountability

Dear ones,

We desire to speak you of your of your choices.

Every thought brings unto you the opportunity to choose.

Every choice brings the opportunity to experience accountability.

Each experience with accountability helps you in defining and refining your choices.

It is said that earth life is comparable to the refiners fire and it is.  It is for refining the lead of the earth into the Gold of Heaven.

We are here to tell you that it is time for heaven to be brought down onto the Earth Plane.  Dear ones, you are to stop dying to go to Heaven and open the doorway to your HEART and allow Heaven to transcend below all that you have suffered and now suffer that you may live in the HERE AND NOW, PRESENT TIME. To partake of the JOY that has been promised by all of the great teacher/masters of  ALL the ages of time.

The Ascended Masters are the "Great Teachers" and they are sritten of in the great books of LIFE.  Some of their names and titles are: the sufis, Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Teresa of Avila, Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of Jesus, Ghandi, St. Francis of Assisi, Rumi, Lao Tzu, etc.

Study them, simplify your life, they set the examplr of "letting go" in order that the Gods/Goddesses could assist them to bring about miracles.

Miracles, dear ones, are experienced when we let go of your expectations and allow life to flow.  Set aside what you think, and allow yourself to move into the essence of allowing, and you will experience shifts all around you.  You will begin experience miracles in your own life and in the lives of those you love.

We are waiting for you to let go and allow us to begin assisting you in the manifestation of many miracles in your life.  To bring forth from the invisible, into the visible; the unheard, into the heard; the untasted, into the tasted; the unfelt, into the felt; the unknown into the known.

"Change your thoughts, change your life."  Wayne Dyer

KNOW THYSELF through your choices and you will know all things.

We are the Inanna


Dear Ones, it is time for you to learn choice and accountability.  it is for you to understand how that what you have in your life, you have attracted to you.  You bring all of your life experiences from Kyros, not time into Kronos, time and space.  This is the Law of Creation/Manifestation.  The way that this happens is through your thoughts,k ideas, emotions, feelings, ALL experiences that happen in and through the physical body, when you put enough energy into motion you manifest exactly what it is you desire.

We hear you deny that.  Yes, We know that you think this is hard and that you are just a poor little victim come to live in this big bad world.  We are here to say that is NOT the TRUTH.  You have chosen to incarnate here on the earth today to gain knowledge and experience through all facets of creation.  Therefore, it is necessary for you to to fully understand the powers of creation. 

What you focus on manifests.  This is a TRUTH, for it is not only true for you, it is true for everyone.  Your deepest darkest fears rise up from seemingly no where and hit you in the face.  And you say, I didn't see that coming.  "Oh, poor me."  Let us say to you, that it is only there for you to learn accountability.  You have a thought, this is a choice for you have the power to focus and change your thoughts in any moment.  Then you focus on that thought, and soon it manifests into your world and you say, Yikes!, where did that come from?"
It came from you thoughts, to your feelings, to your angels and guides, who wait to bring to you all of your desires, thoughts, feelings, etc.

When you find that you would rather not continue to experience something, then; all that is necessary is for you to let go of that choice and make a new choice.  To experience the new choice, choose thoughts, feelings, and emotions. that feel good. Allow yourself to let go of the old and manifest a new and happier experience.  Take the action needed to bring you a more positive result.

Does what you are reading open the door to anger or fear?  Where is the anger/fear coming from?  Why am I experiencing this you ask?  Dear ones, it is only so that you can make a new choice.  Choose to feel the anger, feel the fear.  Then, let it lead you to its source.  Have a conversation with those feelings.  What are they telling you about you?  What are they here to teach you?  Do they serve you, or do you serve them?

We are always only ONE CHOICE away from changing our lives in the utmost, and profound ways.


We Love you,
The Inanna

A Call for your Healing

Dear Ones,

We are with you in your anxieties.
We are with you when you are agonizing over painful experiences.
We have come to carry you through your challenges.
Call upon us to serve you.

We are here for you when you are wakeful in the night.
Meditate and think upon us, it will bring you into a state of peace and calmness.

Be still dear ones, know that you are never alone.
We are the Inanna, we are here to assist you in your ascension.

We know your struggles and your pain.
You have suffered enough.
It is time for you to heal.

Come into the healing waters of our tears.
Let us wash away your pain and cleanse you of your burdens,
That weigh you down and chain you to your past.
What is done, is done, it is time to move forward.

Claim Your Beauty,
Your Peace,
Your Love,
And Your Joy!

We are the Inanna
Bless You, Dear Ones


Thursday, October 22, 2009


Dear Ones, we would like to remind you of how much you are loved, watched over and protected on your journey here upon the earth. We would like to share with you our love and concern for you.  We watch over you and wait for you to call upon us to help and assist you as you need.  Also, we would like to remind you that the Ascended Master, Archangels, Angels and others from other realms, such as fairies, rock spirits, garden spirits, etc.

Today we would like to encourage you to listen to your inner voices, they speak to you of your "truths".  They give you guidance, to assist you in making your choices.  It is time for you to go beyond faith, beyond belief -- you must know for yourself  -- stand firm in that knowledge that flows through you and can NOT be separated from you.  This is your ultimate Source -- this is the substance of the image of God in which you "sparked" into existence.  This is the Source of your LOVE.

Think about how you feel when you listen and obey these inner voices, what does your life look like and feel like?  Does it bring happiness and joy into your presence?  When you ignore these promptings, what are the results?  Make comparisons in your life, and then use the power of discernment to determine which brings you the most happiness.

Your most powerful point is always in the 'PRESENT MOMENT', Louise Hay.  Use your power of choice wisely to assist you in determining what is true for you.  And then use it to determine what is of the TRUTH, that which is true for all.  That which has been of the TRUTH from the beginning, is TRUE now and will remain the TRUTH forever.

Yes, you are a Divine Spark of God.  You have been created in that TRUTH, which is of the LIGHT.  That light within you that has no beginning and no end.  It is not possible for it to be extinguished -- It is always present for you to return to and be filled with its "presence".

What a delicious gift -- what a divine taste it leaves with your senses.  Once you make contact with the TRUTH of all things, you will never "BE" the same as before -- nor will you have a desire to return to that which you were before.  This knowledge of THE TRUTH will set you free and open you to receive peace and understanding of your life.  Knowing that everything in your life has been, is now, and will continue to be perfect for you to experience, to learn to grow, to assist you to return to your SOURCE.

This LIGHT is enough to always fill your hunger and quench your thirst!  Eat and drink often and you may be filled with Eternal Peace.

We leave our blessing upon you that you will soon understand that all of your deepest and strongest desires are from God and it is possible to bring all that you long for into manifestation here upon the earth. That is called "On Earth as IT is in Heaven".  Do you recognize the prayer that Jesus Christ taught his disciples?  Native Americans refer to it as, "As Above; So Below:, in Asia it is known as, "Ying and Yang".  All cultures have their own teachings of this embedded within their stories and histories.

It is possible to attain "Heaven on Earth", for the Divine would not have planted the seeds within your hearts if it were otherwise.  These desire were planted in your light as a guide for you to follow.  Through faith, hope, and then coming into knowing you will be able to achieve all that was intended for you in this incarnation and return you to the light from whence you have come.


Received from Inanna, 14 July 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Season of Your Restoration: Patience

Today, we desire to speak to you of Patience -- we desire for you to understand that everything has its' season:

There is a time for busy-ness
  A time for stillness

A time for singing
  A time for silence

A time for working
  A time for resting

A time to do
  A time to be done

Be still and know that the seasons of your life are well orchestrated by the Divine.  Stay in the stillness that you find yourself in for you are being prepared for a great season of service -- Let go of what you think your life should look like and allow the Divine to move through your soul and prepared the way for you to go -----

The season of your restoration is near completion.

Stay firm in your knowing and your conviction.

Your time is near -- just like a mother who is ready to give birth -- with her womb full of new life --

So you too, Inanna, are ready to come forth and manifest on the earth as has been your deepest desires for so long --

We are with you Always, and in All Ways --

Blessed be the Fruit of your Womb!

The Inanna

Received from The Inanna, 30 July 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Flow of the Universe

We would like to speak today of the way the universe flows. The Universe is like a river -- it begins with a small stream that seeks the path of least resistance -- thus the water gently carves its' way from the tops of the mountain to its destination -- the sea/ocean.

When it meets with resistance it gently explores alternate routes around the obstacle -  it may spread out and form a small pond or a large lake and then find a new path before it continues on its' way.

While in the pond or lake, the water is given an opportunity to explore many avenues of possibilities, when it reaches the point of release, it is able to continues to flow again.  When you symbolically compare your life to the stream of water, you can see how much easier it will be for you to allow your life to flow in the direction of least resistance in following your divine plan.  This plan was set up before you began your physical incarnation.  You agreed to this incarnation into the physical, and you were most joyous that you would have the opportunity to enter a mortal body and you were anxious to begin.

In this comparison of your life to the stream of water, you can see how much easier it will be for you to allow yourself to flow in the direction of least resistance.  By "least resistance" we mean that you follow your natural intuitive insights which you have been given as a compass to guide your life.  Learning to flow these intuitive insights and guidance allows you to make choices that will bring you much quicker into that which are seeking.  For your desires were embedded within your soul at your initial creation, which is in the image of Love.  These desires abide within the soul which reside in the Heart of the sacred, located slightly behind and to the right of the physical heart.

It is important for you to remember the point of least resistance in no way refers to a life with no challenges or obstacles.  There will still be many challenges in all areas of your life that will ground you -- that will challenge you and stop your flow down the river.  You will need to take time while you allows enough time, space, and whatever experiences you need to raise you back up and set you back into the center of the stream of your life.

There may be times that your river will twist and turn like a snake or it may weave intricate patterns in the soil as it flows by -- it may pick up lots of sand and rocks and be muddied -- or it may find a nice bed of rocks that will still create friction for you.  Friction is what creates diamonds, and you are all diamonds in the rough.

It is important to be still and be patient with yourself, this will allow your mind and body to catch up with what is to be learned and uploaded from your soul.  When you are  in the middle of what appears to be a crisis, it is good for you to spend time outside in nature.  You can garden, go swimming, walking, hiking, or perhaps you will be able to go on a retreat or a vacation.  It really doesn't matter as far as time or where or how, it is only important that you do things that revitalize your mind, your body and your soul.  That is what is GOOD FOR YOU.

We know there are many of you who think that you must struggle with determination and go against the stream.  We want you to know that this is not so -- this will only delay and frustrate you.  We understand that there will be times that you follow your God feelings and end up in a place you never imagined you'd be in the whole of your life.  It is OK to feel the frustrations of such choices.  However, from our point of view here are not wrong choices, even failure to chose will lead you to your destination, for eventually you will find that flowing with the Universe is easier and much happier than and will lead you to your destination.  There is no one that will be able to outrun their destiny, nor would you want to if you knew what was at the end of your journey.  You would want to embrace it with all that you are and in the end you will BE FULL.

When you listen to your inner voices -- you tune into the Divine, it is there you will know that life is a journey and was intended to be filled with Love, Hope, Faith, Joy, and peace.  When you strive to go against these Eternal Laws -- you will be discouraged -- side-tracked -- lost -- and bewildered.

Look around you dear ones, and read and study those whom you know to be able to manifest all that they desire.  They will all speak to you of the way of "being" is much simpler, kinder and easier than forcing, manipulating,m or coercing circumstances and situations ever could be.

Force breaks even the strongest timbers -- it breaks the most dedicated will -- it tumbles and crumples it to the earth and is as dross.

As you learn to surrender to that which is, always has been and always will be, you are ready to be taught all the secrets and mysteries of the Universe.  You are ready to allow the Divine to enter your life and animate all of your thoughts and desires and bring them into manifestation.

Your life will turn on a dime and you will never be the same -- nor would you want to be -- you will especially wonder why you didn't chose to surrender much sooner, however, it is only important that you chose to surrender at any point that it happens.

Oh, the Ego plays so many tricks with your mind -- you will learn to appreciate and to laugh at all you used to hold dear when you allow new truths to be revealed to you and set you free!


Mike Dooley - Notes from the Universe

Channeled 12 July 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

You are The Alchemist

Blessed ones -- I know why you have come -- you have come asking --

You have many desires in your hearts -- many unsolved mysteries of the unknowing of why this..., and why that...  --I tell you let it go --  It is for your highest and greatest good that you ave experienced all that you have.

You have already within you all that you need to discern the answers to your own questions.  They are contained in your own emotional body. Within the emotional body are intricate pathways that send message throughout the physical body -- the intellectual body; and, then through the spirit it is manifest through your thoughts -- your gut feelings (your God feelings) -- your emotions and then my dears it goes to your heart and you receive the "Heart of the matter".  When you allow yourself permission to follow this energy pattern within yourself, you begin to "know thy self" as the Master Jesus taught.

You must excavate your caverns of stored pain within yourself -- much of what you will find is not even from your personal experiences.  Thoughts have been handed down for generations of time -- It is time dear ones, for you to release the old patterns and take upon you the new -- the new patterns are not really new -- they are Eternal and they bring Peace -- Peace that transcends all of the destructive patterns that have been and are still being perpetuated upon your planet.

Your planet is in self-destruct mode.  It has separated through all of these negative thought patterns and behavior patterns that have been generated for generations upon generations ...

Until these thoughts and behaviors are released, you will live in turmoil.

The good news is that as soon as you begin your journey into self and consciously observe these patterns, and begin the process of releasing these patterns, peace will begin to fill your heart and you will replace chaos with peace.

This process can take a very long time, or it can happen quickly.  It is your choice!  Choose you this day whom you will serve... Will you continue to serve mammon, or will you make new choices to learn to honor and respect yourself and the subtle energy centers within your own body that have been put there to help you to heal.  Remember, if it feels good to all, continues on, if not, then please make a new choice.  If all of those around you are critical of you and your choices and you know in your heart that they are the very best choice for you, then you may want to consider looking for new friends and associates that carry inside them and uphold your belief in the power to change your life and make it better not only for you, but for all.

There are many who find when they ask to know the truth, they find they must either remove themselves from their current group of associates, or that the group rejects them and then they are free to find new friends that share in their philosophy of healing and bringing peace not only to themselves, but to the world.









You are Light -- even your physical body is comprised of this light -- it is a lower vibration of the same light.

We give to you, each, a Blessing--

Blessed art thou for your asking--In the asking you certainly shall be answered.

Blessed art thou for your knocking --Listen and you will hear many voices of light -- they are just waiting for you to knock.  Many doors of ancient wisdom are now open for you to receive.

Blessed art thou for your seeking-- seeking TRUTH is the ultimate chain breaker.  It literally breaks and shatters all the illusions of this life that have been yours to experience.  You will no longer be bound by the physical elements of your Mother Earth--for she too is raising her vibration.

It is the raising of the vibrational energy of the earth that has shifted your own energy system and set in motion the questions that are leading you to release the stories of the past and to heal your lives.

It is time for the earth to receive it's paradisaical glory--that means it is time for individuals like you to also receive your glory, YOUR GRACE--AND TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS TO RESONATE WITH JOY!

For the asking, you will receive,
For the knocking, doors will open that have been closed,
For the seeking you will be led to the storehouse of Divine Jewels
Pearls, diamonds and other precious stones
The Gold of the Alchemists.

In the metaphors, the alchemists turned the lead of the body into the Gold of the Eternal Light.

You too can do this-- it is your BIRTHRIGHT. You are answering the call for you to return to your Divine Source and be BESTOWED with all the gifts of the DIVINE.

We are here to assist you--

18 July 2009


Today, Dear Ones, we would like to speak to you of your fears--

Remember, there are only two E-motions from which ALL other emotions flow, Love and Fear.  Love is the fullness of all there is; Fear is the lack of remembering in whose image you have been created.

God is Love and you are therefore, LOVE -- when you truly remember that, when Love is present, the illusions of fear fall away.

There are many of you caught in the illusion of fear -- especially with the economy standing on such fragile legs -- you are feeling insecure and you are being led  by the seeds of fear.  You are looking outside of yourself to find answers that will bring you peace.  Dear Ones, know that the answers are all within your "Being".  Have you not been promised that you are more important than the sands of the sea, the birds and the trees?  The Gods are watching over you, your angels stand poised, ready to act on your behalf.  They wait only for your asking for their assistance.  Ask and it shall be given.

We ask that you go beyond your shallow belief system, which has been carefully planted by the sowers of fear -- all those who would control you and ask that you be less than you are!

Go deep into your stillness -- into your "Heart of the Sacred" where your Truth abides.  You will hear the "All Abiding Peace of God's Love and Protection.  You will know of your worth and your worthiness to share in the Wealth -- the Great Abundance of the Universe of the Divine.

You would never refuse your child all that is in your power to assist them for their good -- know that God awaits your requests -- through Prayer and even your Thoughts -- to serve you and give you all that you ask.

God's answers are immediately put into motion -- it is important for us to note here that what you ask is always answered.  However, it does not always appear in the exact way or timing that you envision it coming.  It will manifest in ways that serve your greatest and highest good to assist you in fulfilling the measure of your creation  -- the desires and intents which have been placed in your heart since your creation in the image of God's LOVE.

To release fear you must let go of your perceptions that you have control of your life.  You scripted your life before you entered this physical life.  You sat down with the Gods, your angels, and your earthly associates, family, friends, co-workers-- to co-create a life that would bring you great joy.  Some of these associates even agreed to treat you in such ways as to bring pain into your life.  This is to give you a taste of that which is opposite of LOVE in order for you to learn to choose again and again until you find your way out of the pain into the LOVE.

In the first part of your, life you are said to be fated by these contracts stated above.  It is through experiencing that which was scripted to become your fate, that you can determine YOUR DESTINY, through the choices you make from the point of FATE.  There is GREAT POWER in your choices.

Louise Hays

Your challenge is to fine tune your choices, like tuning an instrument, or tuning into a television channel, or a radio.  As you learn to tune into your Inner Knowing and understand how to discern through your choices, you begin to build your ability to make choices that bring you into great joy.  Through the power of discernment you can feel the consequences of your choices.  It it feels good, then we would encourage you to continue along that same line of choice, however, if it brings pain into your life, we would encourage you to look at all of the possibilities that lay on the table before you to partake in.  By using your power of discernment before you actually make a choice you are more likely to make a choice that will bring you happiness.

We would like to re-state the principle of choice for you again to help you to re-enforce this concept as it may be new to many of you reading this blog.  As you listen to your inner knowing, voices,  and survey the choices before you -- if you "feel good", make the choice, if the results "feel good" -- continue on that path.  If, however, the choice brings back to you, "feeling bad" -- step back -- use your power of discernment and determine a new plan of action -- a new choice.

When you follow this model -- your life will flow downstream -- and it takes far less effort on your behalf -- you will gently guide your life by your choices -- always be open to making new and different choices.  The part of your lives that is most exciting for us to watch is when you understand this simple concept -- that you have the power to change your life drastically for good, or not, simply by making one new and different choice.

As you move through your life and rough waters appear, and they will, you will find your way through them much easier as you incorporate this simple concept.  Life becomes exciting and you feel fulfilled -- you learn to rejoice and feel full and filled with peace, love and joy.  It is important for you to experience these e-motions in this life time.  It was never intended for you to have to wait until you die and "maybe" go to heaven to be happy.  You are to "BE HAPPY" now, here in this present moment.

One very important choice for you to make is to choose to express gratitude in all things, for this is an eternal law, it is true for all and it works for all when you incorporate it into your life.  To express gratitude in all things is always rewarded 10 fold (10 times).  When you express gratitude for all things, you receive a gift -- wrapped in gold -- and it is most priceless.

When you express gratitude for your challenges, the Diving look upon you with grace.  They know that you understand that each challenge brings to you greater love of others, more compassion, empathy is increased and you learn first hand how such actions bring pain into the world and you begin to make choices that will only bring the LOVE that you are here upon the earth.  By this example others will learn that they too can change their minds and begin to make new choices and you will experience the domino effect.  Your earth will experience a huge energy shift.  You will watch wars stop, greed disappear and loved ones heal from all manner of dis-ease.

It is our desire that you know that this is much easier than it seems, much easier than living in FEAR.  The changes can only happy as one person at a time chooses to make a new choice, and then another new choice, and another new choice, choices that are selfless, choices made from the HEART and serve the good of all mankind.

This path will bring you HOME, it always takes one home.  HOME is in your HEART OF THE SACRED, wherein the soul resides.  This is where HEAVEN is, you have brought HEAVEN TO EARTH, earth being a symbol of your body.  The "Heart of the Sacred" opens and says, "Well done -- Come in and REST!"

Received from The Goddess Inanna 7 July 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Each religious practice has many rituals that prepare an individual to receive the Divine.  Each ritual or ordinance ie. baptism, christening, marriage, communion, sacrament, etc. are steps and levels of a person's journey.  Each one contains key to connect the body, mind and soul with the Divine and bring grace into manifestation in your daily life.

Spirit is always looking for ways to get your attention in order for you to pay attention to the graces in your life.  When you live life consciously, you experience the grace easily and know that it is always flowing for it brings life into the Body, peace in the Soul and Joy in the Heart.

When you live your life unconsciously, you become victimized by your false perceptions and the illusions of the physical.  You become weighted down, tired, depressed, addicted to all manner of self-defeating behaviors.  The dysfunctional begets more dysfunction through their own ignorance of the Divine Eternal Principles of Choice and Accountability.

Your God-given birthright to choice is where your power lies.  When you integrate your choices with your emotions, your heart, and your mind, your soul is quickened and your life will change exponentially.

Take heart -- listen to your heart, allow your heart to guide you -- all of your answers are already answered in your heart.  They were encoded at the time of your creation in the image of God's love, joy, and peace.

You already contain within you all of the mysteries of the Universe; for you are one with all that is.  There is no separation -- separation is one of the illusions of the physical plane, of your 3 dimensional earth.

Oneness is revealed beginning on the fourth plane and on up to the 7th plane where all is one -- always has been one and always will be one -- Of one heart, one mind and one body -- This is Eternal Grace.

You have come here to this earth plane for the sole (Soul) purpose of letting go of the physical and connecting to the Divine which flows through everyone. When you connect Soul to Soul knowing what one chooses effects all you can begin to become accountable for your choices.  Look around you at the devastating and destructive things happening on your planet.  The world wide economy, the wars, the threats to peace and privacy, the abuse of men, women, and children, the dis-eases, the distress and the anger.  What are you thinking?

It is time, Dear Ones, to rethink your attitudes, perceptions and behaviors.  It is time to make new choices that build  one another.  Choices that help and assist others.  Jesus Christ taught that even as you have done it unto the least of these my children, you have done it unto me.  Even you are among the least.

Begin today to treat yourself with respect -- to esteem yourself -- love yourself as you are -- when you truly Love yourself and know who you are and in whose image you have been created,m you will then be able to have a great impact on changing and turning around all the devastation that the earth and it's people are experiencing.

You have the power, and most of you have the desire.  Choose today to be proactive rather than reactive.  Choose to be empowered as opposed to continuing to always feel victimized by everyone and everything in your life.  Choose to make a difference in your own life and let the ripple effect flow out from you.

We know that you will find great joy and happiness in doing this.  Learn to be happy and bloom where you are, just like the flowers, you too can be the joy that you are regardless of the chaos going on around you.

Be still and know that there are many with you on this journey.  Many love you and stand waiting to serve you, to assist you an any way that they can.  All that is required is for you to ask.  Allow us to enter your life and bring you peace.

Be of good cheer,
The Innana

Transcribed from the Inanna 20 July 2009

In Search of the Goddess;

In life we all have deep yearnings -- yearnings that appear as thoughts, feelings, glimpses, de ja vu -- that leave us searching for the TRUTH of who we are and why our life has been as it has --

We are all seekers -- looking to bring s some sort of meaning into our limited experience we call reality -- but, what is really real?

I am finding more and more I can't tell the difference between that which I am moving away from and that which I am moving toward --

My lines of reality are merging and I find as I am downloading information, realigning and integrating all that is moving through my physical body, I am experiencing contrasting feelings of deep humility and on the flip side feeling very overwhelmed with what I have been shown that my life is moving toward.

I find I question my own ability and capacity and at the same time I feel the grace of God and the Goddess -- the divine masculine and the divine feminine -- upon me, holding me in an embrace of love, guiding me towards my destiny.

The road from my fated life to the life of my destiny had had such huge challenges for me to let go of in order to allow the Divine to take over my plans for my life -- My life looks nothing like I had planned -- I have found myself doing all of the things I would have sworn and actually did take oaths on some level to never do -- and the one thing I said I would have done, I have not been able to do and at this point have no desire to do.

I can now see the Divine Wisdom in all of this, yet it still leaves me in awe and questioning my own sanity -- but, what is sanity?  It is merely a belief system we take upon ourselves and in our youth we make bold statements of what we will or won't do in our lives only to discover that we get to experience for our own learning and understanding that which will draw us into the will of the Divine -- Having been created in the image of Divine Love, placed here on an earth with the opposition of all things, we each find ourselves floundering around like fish out of water -- with deep empty space within ourselves.

As we finally surrender to that which is greater and more profound than we could have imagined in our youth, peace begins to fill us and we connect with our souls for the remainder of our journey.

We each have an opportunity everyday to experience the grace of surrender -- it fills us with peace and it si enough -- Suffice it to say I find myself in the midst of a mystical transformation for which there are no words wit which to describe it.

I believe the mystical began for me while reading "Entering the Castle" by Caroline Myss.  I found an invitation to my soul and began having deeply profound feelings of how much I was loved by God -- I engaged with my soul in a dialogue that has no end for it is eternal -- I AM ETERNAL.

My life shifted -- the shift within has left me yearning to stay n that exquisite space never wanting to leave it to return to the mundane of my life.  Yet, as I learn to navigate in and out of that splendid space I am grateful for whatever time I have there.

I have been called -- and it is challenging my entire soul to answer and engage in that calling by the Divine.  I have found it necessary to leave the religion of my birth, my birth family, friends, to relocate my place of residence, my children and grandchildren, so many things -- and note they are only "things" mostly illusory and they have served their purpose.  So it is wise for me to let them all go with love.

In coming to recognize my calling as the Goddess Inanna, I am truly humbled to the floor, prone -- begging for strength -- for understanding, to be able to accept and fulfill the reason I have been born and to live at this time of transition on the earth.

There is a great need for each of us to answer the call when it appears -- to fear not, for God, The Divine, is with us. Actually the God's carry us on the wings of their angels -- the angels minister to us and dry our tears -- for which I am truly, deeply grateful --

"Let nothing distrub you.  God alone Suffices."   Teresa of Avila