In life we all have deep yearnings -- yearnings that appear as thoughts, feelings, glimpses, de ja vu -- that leave us searching for the TRUTH of who we are and why our life has been as it has --
We are all seekers -- looking to bring s some sort of meaning into our limited experience we call reality -- but, what is really real?
I am finding more and more I can't tell the difference between that which I am moving away from and that which I am moving toward --
My lines of reality are merging and I find as I am downloading information, realigning and integrating all that is moving through my physical body, I am experiencing contrasting feelings of deep humility and on the flip side feeling very overwhelmed with what I have been shown that my life is moving toward.
I find I question my own ability and capacity and at the same time I feel the grace of God and the Goddess -- the divine masculine and the divine feminine -- upon me, holding me in an embrace of love, guiding me towards my destiny.
The road from my fated life to the life of my destiny had had such huge challenges for me to let go of in order to allow the Divine to take over my plans for my life -- My life looks nothing like I had planned -- I have found myself doing all of the things I would have sworn and actually did take oaths on some level to never do -- and the one thing I said I would have done, I have not been able to do and at this point have no desire to do.
I can now see the Divine Wisdom in all of this, yet it still leaves me in awe and questioning my own sanity -- but, what is sanity? It is merely a belief system we take upon ourselves and in our youth we make bold statements of what we will or won't do in our lives only to discover that we get to experience for our own learning and understanding that which will draw us into the will of the Divine -- Having been created in the image of Divine Love, placed here on an earth with the opposition of all things, we each find ourselves floundering around like fish out of water -- with deep empty space within ourselves.
As we finally surrender to that which is greater and more profound than we could have imagined in our youth, peace begins to fill us and we connect with our souls for the remainder of our journey.
We each have an opportunity everyday to experience the grace of surrender -- it fills us with peace and it si enough -- Suffice it to say I find myself in the midst of a mystical transformation for which there are no words wit which to describe it.
I believe the mystical began for me while reading "Entering the Castle" by Caroline Myss. I found an invitation to my soul and began having deeply profound feelings of how much I was loved by God -- I engaged with my soul in a dialogue that has no end for it is eternal -- I AM ETERNAL.
My life shifted -- the shift within has left me yearning to stay n that exquisite space never wanting to leave it to return to the mundane of my life. Yet, as I learn to navigate in and out of that splendid space I am grateful for whatever time I have there.
I have been called -- and it is challenging my entire soul to answer and engage in that calling by the Divine. I have found it necessary to leave the religion of my birth, my birth family, friends, to relocate my place of residence, my children and grandchildren, so many things -- and note they are only "things" mostly illusory and they have served their purpose. So it is wise for me to let them all go with love.
In coming to recognize my calling as the Goddess Inanna, I am truly humbled to the floor, prone -- begging for strength -- for understanding, to be able to accept and fulfill the reason I have been born and to live at this time of transition on the earth.
There is a great need for each of us to answer the call when it appears -- to fear not, for God, The Divine, is with us. Actually the God's carry us on the wings of their angels -- the angels minister to us and dry our tears -- for which I am truly, deeply grateful --
"Let nothing distrub you. God alone Suffices." Teresa of Avila
This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing profound yet common truths we all share along the path.