Dear Ones –
We would like to share with you today the possibilities of your choices – each choice you make carries with it endless possibilities. Each choice leads you to your next choice and your next choice and, your next choice.
In choosing you are saying “Yes' to these possibilities –
Open your heart and your mind to the endless possibilities –
The Divine offers you in every moment endless possibilities and endless choices –
Your choices Dear Ones, are not only between light and darkness, good and bad, joy and pain your choices are placed before you to lead you from one good experience to the next good experience. They are not to be judged – only observed and then through the feelings within your body you discern the effect that that particular choice has had on your health.
Does you body feel 'alive', vibrant, full of eagerness and excitement? Or, does your body feel tired, lethargic, burdened and heavy?
Choose – this is the option that is always open to you – What do you desire in your life? Through your choices you are given opportunities to define who you are – to re-member to come again into the truth of that Love which you are –
It is kind, simple and easy to BE THAT.
Today Dear Ones, we encourage you to observe your choices – discern how those choices effect your body and then make your next choice one that will bring peace, joy, love excitement, and anticipation of all that is good into your life.
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