To be congruent, one's heart and mind must be as one--
With the heart in the lead and the mind in agreement, you can accomplish all of the desires of your heart.
This level of congruency takes practice—it is brought into Being (Existence) through--
Silence and Meditation
Study and Prayer
Listening and Feeling
Becoming aware of very subtle energies around you--
Learning when to say 'Yes'
Knowing when to say 'No'
Answer 'YES' to the Divine
Answer 'NO' to Mammon, Man, Arm of flesh
Dear ones, there are so many ways in your lives that you choose to be incongruent. We would like you to know that every time you make a choice that is not congruent with your soul, you defile your body, which is your temple, you bring dis-ease and misery into your consciousness. You always know before you make a choice whether or not it is congruent with your soul. There is no longer time to waste. It is vital that all of your choices become congruent. There is too much dis-ease upon the earth. It is a manifestation of all the times you have been incongruent in your thoughts, and actions.
We have talked about choices in others places in this writing, re-read them until you become familiar with how you sell yourself for a mess of pottage as opposed to valuing and respecting your inner knowing, your intuitive guidance. All of your guides and angels are planting the seeds for your choices. Why do you think that you know better, you know nothing at all when you allow your ego to tell you such lies. It is the ego that has deceived you, not anyone outside of yourself has that kind of power, including the being that is referred to as SATAN! The only power anyone outside of yourself has is to “bruise your heal, like having a small pebble in your shoe. Well, how about you take the pebble out of your shoe and toss it away and begin to be accountable for you choices and what they are bringing into your life. No One has any power over YOU! Each choice you make draws to you a specific consequence. If you do not like the result, then CHOOSE AGAIN! Do not try to blame, shame or manipulate someone else into being responsible for you.
Through choosing to BE accountable and responsible for your choices you will come to know and understand that what we speak is of the TRUTH, it is true for everyone, it has always been true and it will remain true forever, it has no beginning and no end, it is the alpha and omega.
When you receive information from your gut, it is imperative that you follow it, regardless of what you “think” or are told by others. When you fail to do this, you betray yourself first and foremost and then you betray everyone else that is involved in the situation. This creates so much chaos and pain, it grieves us that you do not understand this concept for it is taught in many of your religions, especially those who teach of a Holy Ghost that gives you inspiration. In such cases where you believe in the Holy Ghost, you have not only betrayed yourself, you have denied the Holy Ghost. This is a most grievous situation of watch you participate in and it is totally avoidable.
Learn to trust and to follow your 'gut feelings', we call them your 'GOD FEELINGS', they come straight from the Divine. Honer them, follow them, and you will find more love and joy in your life and in the lives of those you touch with such acts of kindness that come from and through the Divine Truths and you will be Divinely Blessed for these small acts of kindness.
Updated and revised 2 October 2009
I am the Goddess Inanna. I am here Dear Ones to help you to claim your BIRTHRIGHT TO BE HAPPY! Returning you to a remembrance of Love and Kindness, moving you toward Wholeness (Holiness).
Friday, September 10, 2010
This was channeled when I had gone to Sedona in 2009. My mother had passed 4 weeks prior and I had been told in the fall of 2008 that I needed to go to Sedona in the Spring of 2009 for 2 weeks by myself to heal. I had no idea that I would be at the beginning of some huge life changing events. Blessings to all who read this, Inanna
Introduction March 15, 2009 Sedona, AZ
I am Inanna. I am your teacher. It is time for you to transcend all of the illusions of the earth realm.
The earth is now going through a cleansing process. It is time for the earth to also transcend. We are “The Inanna”. We are God’s power and protection as a pillow form you can rest on and be energized.
We are you guides. We have heard your prayers, your pleas, your desires. Take our hand and we will lead you out of the desert into fulfillment.
It is time. Take a deep breath and we will begin.
Take a few moments, close your eyes, breathe deeply and feel us. Allow us to caress your weary hearts and souls. Allow the energy of healing fill you. Satisfy you. Replenish you. Lift you. Wash you clean, every wit. Allow our tears to cleanse you of all of your pent up emotions. Be still my LOVE and know that we are here with you and from this point/moment on we will always be near. Think of us and we will be there in that instant.
We have long been associated with the earth realm. We have been known as the Angel sof Descent. We represent the archetype of “Queen”.
We are the Queens with dominion over the three worlds of body, spirit and soul. We exemplify the evolutionary process of women coming from heaven to earth, then going through a primal betrayal. The initiation of Inanna is to regain your power after the life trauma and reign again as a Queen.
The journey of Inanna represents a gaining of feminine wisdom and power, surrendering the ego and worldly self and returning to purity with consciousness and wisdom. At the end of your initiation, you will be balanced, grounded, determined, cautious, and steadfast with an inner drive to grow in your own feminine consciousness.
After your descent, into your shadow self, you will rebuild your life, full of self-esteem and build relationships with a new wisdom.1
In the Goddess Tarot, by Kris Waldherr, Inanna is described as a Star. She states, “Clothed with the stars, Inanna, the great goddess of the Bronze Age, was honored with the title “Queen of Heaven.
Meanings: Follow your dreams without fear—don’t be afraid to make them happen! Success, good fortune, and creativity are all gifts that Inanna brings to you.2
The best way to achieve the guidance of Inanna is to follow your bliss. Make your choices with your heart. Stay true to the God Codes, which were encoded in your heart at the time of your creation in the image of God, which is LOVE.
Chapter One: Follow your Bliss
Joseph Campbell was known to speak of following your Bliss. What is Bliss?
Bliss is that which your heart desires, it will bring to you the most joy that you could possibly experience here upon the earth.
You must learn to listen with your heart, feel with your soul, See and know the ‘unseen’ to be more real than the ‘seen’.
Our emotions are the closest things in this life that will connect us to the God Codes, the codes of Truth which flow through the bodies of those living on the earth today. It is vital to our lives that we learn to discern the meaning of our emotions.
The gift of choice is the most valuable gift the Gods could possibly have given to us. When we combine the gift of choice with the power of discernment, the ability to discern what our emotions are telling us, we ultimately have all the power we need to create the lives that we choose live, here and now.
Chapter 2—God’s Love
Many that live today on the earth believe that God’s love has strings, conditions and attachments. This is not so. We are here to teach you the Truth. God’s love has no limitations, or conditions upon which that love is withheld from you.
Your original creation was in the image of God, which is LOVE. God is LOVE, God is PEACE, God is JOY, God is REST. If God chose to cease to love his Creation, which is YOU, God would cease to be God.
There is no thing we must have or do to BE LOVED of God. Again we say to you that he loves each one of you because you are his creation, created in the image of his LOVE.
Humans have been taught for eons of time that they are wicked and unworthy of God’s Love. They have been told that they must try very hard for a very long time and then maybe, just maybe they will be acceptable to God.
Yes, dear ones, there are times when God is saddened by your behavior, your actions, thoughts, and feelings. This is because when you are not in alignment with God’s LOVE there is a gap and you can not feel God’s LOVE for you. The remedy is much simpler than it has been taught to you. As soon as you choose to give up those behaviors, actions, thoughts and feelings which caused the separation you again enter the presence of God’s LOVE.
The eternal laws which govern our feeling God’s LOVE again are simple, kind, and easy; as opposed to continuing to cling to the false behaviors, actions, thoughts, and feelings which created the distance between you and God and cause you much pain in your life.
To become one again with God’s LOVE it is important to master the same eternal principles which all the great masters that have ever lived upon the earth have taught mastered. Some of these masters are Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna, Jesus, and Mohammed.
These Masters taught patience, compassion, surrender, kindness, service, forgiveness of self and others. They all struggled with their mortality just as you. They found that the keys to happiness are all encoded within our souls and our souls yearn to be set free. Our souls hunger and thirst for the truth. Our souls hunger and thirst to know the image of their creation. It is time dear ones to draw close to that original creation and to focus on those principles of Truth that teach and draw you to that great Truth, LOVE.
Love cannot be divided and yet it stands alone. Love is the way to eternal JOY. Joy experienced every moment of your life. Dear ones, it is possible to attain that joy and to live there here upon the earth. It is much easier than you have every imagined. The seeds of that Truth were encoded into your cells at the time of your creation into spirit and have continued with you into this creation of you.
It is much kinder to love yourself, than it is to hate and loathe yourself. Each day you choose which of these acts and feelings that you will take upon yourself. You go around with huge hammer with which you beat up on yourself. Kindness begins with you. Peace begins with you. Dear ones, it is time to stop going to war within these divinely created bodies in which you dwell. It is time to love yourself in order to bring peace into the body, the house, the temple, the earth in which the souls dwells on a daily basis.
Choose today, to be the day that you begin to see yourself as a divine creation of God, created in the image of his Love. Choose today to place the huge hammer you have used so well to beat up on yourself, on ‘the alter’ of Love and sacrifice it (the hammer), give it to God. Surrender your will to God’s creator. God’s Love is sufficient to heal all your pain, all your tears, all your fears and to bring you into the Peace, the Love, and the Joy that you are longing to feel.
Compassion is a deep feeling of understanding towards yourself or another. It is gained through experiences with ‘the opposition of all things’. When God created the Universe and the Earth, God placed upon it and throughout them the ‘opposition of all things’. God then named his creation and God named it ‘Good’.
You have been taught to names things/experiences good or bad. These experiences are neutral, neither good nor bad. Because you have been given free agency, the freedom to choose for yourselves, you become responsible to respond appropriately to each situation in your life. When you name an experience bad, you, draw to yourself feelings of dis-comfort, dis-ease within your body. Fear appears and you begin to feel unworthy of God’s love, thus that love appears to dis-appear.
Dear ones, when you experience this, it is a reminder for you to remember who you are and the Truth of the Image of your Creation, LOVE. To REMEMBER and become ONE AGAIN with the LOVE that you were created in, the LOVE that you are.
When you return to the LOVE that is YOU, you will begin to understand compassion. You will come to know at a deep level how much you are loved and you will want/desire to choose to give that love to yourself and to others.
The act of compassion will grow your heart. It will grow your capacity and ability to love yourself and others in a way you never imagined before. You will begin to find beauty all around you. You will increase within yourself a desire to bring the LOVE you have found to others and you will have JOY in your life.
Yes, dear ones, there will be many times you will forget this LOVE, as soon as you become aware of the ‘not’ remembering, you begin the remembering. This is kind, it is easy, it is simple. Enjoy the experience of COMPASSION.
Forgiveness is also a very misunderstood concept for you. The act of forgiving yourself, or another, is the act of giving LOVE with compassion. Therefore, when there is a need to forgive, it is a time for giving LOVE. Allow yourself to experience God’s Love for you. Feel it flow through your body, your temple, your earth. Allow that love to flow through you to the person that you desire to forgive.
It is much easier and kinder to give yourself the gift of love and compassion than it is to hold yourself hostage to feelings of hatred and loathing. God never intended for us to live in such pain as is created in hatred and loathing. Letting go of perceptions that you or another intentionally set out to harm another is a falsehood. We perceive harm when we have allowed the channel of Love between us and God to be severed due to our own personal history. When another appears to be sending harm your way, it is personal about them, dear one, not you.
As we learn to understand the impersonal from the personal we will know that no one has the power to do us harm, it is only when we believe it to be that it appears. Even you are not capable of inflicting irreversible damage to yourself. All things are reversible and capable of returning to their Source, which is LOVE.
Forgiveness is a choice that we desire you to understand is for your own GOOD/ GOODNESS. It is good to let go of misunderstandings and return to LOVE. You, dear one, will be the one to benefit the most from this act of COMPASSIONATE LOVE. We desire that you receive, understand and practice this concept for it is with great love that we share it with you.
Patience is having the desire and intent to wait upon God. Dear one, it is not within you capacity at this time for you to understand God and why things are as they are. It takes fortitude to develop the attitude of Patience. To be in an attitude of patience is to know that there is a time and a place for everyone and everything, there is a season wherein all will be fulfilled. It is not for you to know before it is time. Patience must be nurtured, tested and put through the fires of life.
Dear ones, the easiest way to develop patience is to live your life with passion. Do every day those things that you love. Surround yourself with others that you love and that love you. Take time each day to express gratitude for that which you do have in your life that fills you with joy and peace.
Ask to know those things which you have the power to change and be empowered to change them. Regarding those things which are not in your power to change or affect, kindly leave them alone until such time arises that you are in a position to make a difference. Patience is the capacity to discern that which is for you to participate in and that which would be best for you to let simmer on the back burner of your life.
14 February 2009
Tonight, we wish to express our empathy to those who experience suffering through loss of a loved one. It is our desire to let you know how much we care and watch over you as you have many opportunities in your lives in which you go through these losses.
What you see, feel, or judge as a “loss” is merely a short time of absence from the physical body. This can be experienced through distance of time or space in the physical, or that of the separation over the spirit from the body.
Time is very relevant and evasive in the physicality that you have here on the earth. It is relevant to to the circumstances surrounding the event taking place. It is relevant to the relationships which you hold dear or choose to let go of for whatever reason.
There will be times in your lives when it is imperative for you to remove yourselves from situations and relationships which cause you harm. At any point in time that you feel harm, animosity, or enmity coming towards you, it is vital for your life to take appropriate action to protect yourselves immediately.
Again, we feel it is important to stress to you the importance of your emotional energy system. It is located in your gut. On earth you call it your “gut feelings”. We like to refer to it as your “God feelings”. This is a place where you feel within yourselves that which is a correct choice for you to make. When you honor those feelings, you get results that bring happiness into your lives. When you ignore, or discount these feelings they stay in your cell tissue and create dis-ease within these physical bodies in an effort to get your attention. As you continue to ignore these “God feelings” the discomfort within you grows until it manifests as a critical illness/disease. At this time, it is hoped that your soul will then have your full attention.
When you choose to pay attention to the “dis-ease”, and do some serious soul searching, your body heals. When you ignore all of the signs and signals, your physical body has no other alternative but to die in order for your to progress.
Death then just becomes a doorway to more and different ways of healing. Through the process of death, you are given time to reflect on your life. You must participate actively in letting go of the physical body in order to return to the realm of spirit life from whence you came.
We desire for you to know that main reason you have a physical body here on the earth is because it is only with a physical, temporal body that you can progress the easiest and the fastest. This is because your feelings and emotions are amplified making it easier for you to discern between all of the many and varied choices that you can experience. Choosing one new and different choice can change your life so quickly that most of you are so frightened by the prospect that you remain frozen in your fear of the unknown; thus, remaining in the most grueling and horrific relationships and experiences that can be imagined. Most of you reading this will know that is true and yet you will choose to become angry and turn away and remain in your painful lives.
For those of you who choose to make only one new choice you will receive at least ten fold of that which you anticipate. With each new choice you make it becomes easier and easier to listen to and follow your “God feelings”. Life becomes peaceful from within for you are no longer at war with yourselves or with God. This is such a good and beautiful principle of Truth.
As you go about your daily lives you will begin to see the beauty everywhere you look. You will hear the ordinary sounds that you used to ignore and they will sound like music to your ears. You will touch something or someone and it will be as if it was the first time. You will look forward with excitement and anticipation for each new day. You will return to the innocence of a child, you will become humble and teachable. You will rejoice at your new life and your body, mind, and spirit will rejoice and be exceeding glad.
Introduction March 15, 2009 Sedona, AZ
I am Inanna. I am your teacher. It is time for you to transcend all of the illusions of the earth realm.
The earth is now going through a cleansing process. It is time for the earth to also transcend. We are “The Inanna”. We are God’s power and protection as a pillow form you can rest on and be energized.
We are you guides. We have heard your prayers, your pleas, your desires. Take our hand and we will lead you out of the desert into fulfillment.
It is time. Take a deep breath and we will begin.
Take a few moments, close your eyes, breathe deeply and feel us. Allow us to caress your weary hearts and souls. Allow the energy of healing fill you. Satisfy you. Replenish you. Lift you. Wash you clean, every wit. Allow our tears to cleanse you of all of your pent up emotions. Be still my LOVE and know that we are here with you and from this point/moment on we will always be near. Think of us and we will be there in that instant.
We have long been associated with the earth realm. We have been known as the Angel sof Descent. We represent the archetype of “Queen”.
We are the Queens with dominion over the three worlds of body, spirit and soul. We exemplify the evolutionary process of women coming from heaven to earth, then going through a primal betrayal. The initiation of Inanna is to regain your power after the life trauma and reign again as a Queen.
The journey of Inanna represents a gaining of feminine wisdom and power, surrendering the ego and worldly self and returning to purity with consciousness and wisdom. At the end of your initiation, you will be balanced, grounded, determined, cautious, and steadfast with an inner drive to grow in your own feminine consciousness.
After your descent, into your shadow self, you will rebuild your life, full of self-esteem and build relationships with a new wisdom.1
In the Goddess Tarot, by Kris Waldherr, Inanna is described as a Star. She states, “Clothed with the stars, Inanna, the great goddess of the Bronze Age, was honored with the title “Queen of Heaven.
Meanings: Follow your dreams without fear—don’t be afraid to make them happen! Success, good fortune, and creativity are all gifts that Inanna brings to you.2
The best way to achieve the guidance of Inanna is to follow your bliss. Make your choices with your heart. Stay true to the God Codes, which were encoded in your heart at the time of your creation in the image of God, which is LOVE.
Chapter One: Follow your Bliss
Joseph Campbell was known to speak of following your Bliss. What is Bliss?
Bliss is that which your heart desires, it will bring to you the most joy that you could possibly experience here upon the earth.
You must learn to listen with your heart, feel with your soul, See and know the ‘unseen’ to be more real than the ‘seen’.
Our emotions are the closest things in this life that will connect us to the God Codes, the codes of Truth which flow through the bodies of those living on the earth today. It is vital to our lives that we learn to discern the meaning of our emotions.
The gift of choice is the most valuable gift the Gods could possibly have given to us. When we combine the gift of choice with the power of discernment, the ability to discern what our emotions are telling us, we ultimately have all the power we need to create the lives that we choose live, here and now.
Chapter 2—God’s Love
Many that live today on the earth believe that God’s love has strings, conditions and attachments. This is not so. We are here to teach you the Truth. God’s love has no limitations, or conditions upon which that love is withheld from you.
Your original creation was in the image of God, which is LOVE. God is LOVE, God is PEACE, God is JOY, God is REST. If God chose to cease to love his Creation, which is YOU, God would cease to be God.
There is no thing we must have or do to BE LOVED of God. Again we say to you that he loves each one of you because you are his creation, created in the image of his LOVE.
Humans have been taught for eons of time that they are wicked and unworthy of God’s Love. They have been told that they must try very hard for a very long time and then maybe, just maybe they will be acceptable to God.
Yes, dear ones, there are times when God is saddened by your behavior, your actions, thoughts, and feelings. This is because when you are not in alignment with God’s LOVE there is a gap and you can not feel God’s LOVE for you. The remedy is much simpler than it has been taught to you. As soon as you choose to give up those behaviors, actions, thoughts and feelings which caused the separation you again enter the presence of God’s LOVE.
The eternal laws which govern our feeling God’s LOVE again are simple, kind, and easy; as opposed to continuing to cling to the false behaviors, actions, thoughts, and feelings which created the distance between you and God and cause you much pain in your life.
To become one again with God’s LOVE it is important to master the same eternal principles which all the great masters that have ever lived upon the earth have taught mastered. Some of these masters are Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna, Jesus, and Mohammed.
These Masters taught patience, compassion, surrender, kindness, service, forgiveness of self and others. They all struggled with their mortality just as you. They found that the keys to happiness are all encoded within our souls and our souls yearn to be set free. Our souls hunger and thirst for the truth. Our souls hunger and thirst to know the image of their creation. It is time dear ones to draw close to that original creation and to focus on those principles of Truth that teach and draw you to that great Truth, LOVE.
Love cannot be divided and yet it stands alone. Love is the way to eternal JOY. Joy experienced every moment of your life. Dear ones, it is possible to attain that joy and to live there here upon the earth. It is much easier than you have every imagined. The seeds of that Truth were encoded into your cells at the time of your creation into spirit and have continued with you into this creation of you.
It is much kinder to love yourself, than it is to hate and loathe yourself. Each day you choose which of these acts and feelings that you will take upon yourself. You go around with huge hammer with which you beat up on yourself. Kindness begins with you. Peace begins with you. Dear ones, it is time to stop going to war within these divinely created bodies in which you dwell. It is time to love yourself in order to bring peace into the body, the house, the temple, the earth in which the souls dwells on a daily basis.
Choose today, to be the day that you begin to see yourself as a divine creation of God, created in the image of his Love. Choose today to place the huge hammer you have used so well to beat up on yourself, on ‘the alter’ of Love and sacrifice it (the hammer), give it to God. Surrender your will to God’s creator. God’s Love is sufficient to heal all your pain, all your tears, all your fears and to bring you into the Peace, the Love, and the Joy that you are longing to feel.
Compassion is a deep feeling of understanding towards yourself or another. It is gained through experiences with ‘the opposition of all things’. When God created the Universe and the Earth, God placed upon it and throughout them the ‘opposition of all things’. God then named his creation and God named it ‘Good’.
You have been taught to names things/experiences good or bad. These experiences are neutral, neither good nor bad. Because you have been given free agency, the freedom to choose for yourselves, you become responsible to respond appropriately to each situation in your life. When you name an experience bad, you, draw to yourself feelings of dis-comfort, dis-ease within your body. Fear appears and you begin to feel unworthy of God’s love, thus that love appears to dis-appear.
Dear ones, when you experience this, it is a reminder for you to remember who you are and the Truth of the Image of your Creation, LOVE. To REMEMBER and become ONE AGAIN with the LOVE that you were created in, the LOVE that you are.
When you return to the LOVE that is YOU, you will begin to understand compassion. You will come to know at a deep level how much you are loved and you will want/desire to choose to give that love to yourself and to others.
The act of compassion will grow your heart. It will grow your capacity and ability to love yourself and others in a way you never imagined before. You will begin to find beauty all around you. You will increase within yourself a desire to bring the LOVE you have found to others and you will have JOY in your life.
Yes, dear ones, there will be many times you will forget this LOVE, as soon as you become aware of the ‘not’ remembering, you begin the remembering. This is kind, it is easy, it is simple. Enjoy the experience of COMPASSION.
Forgiveness is also a very misunderstood concept for you. The act of forgiving yourself, or another, is the act of giving LOVE with compassion. Therefore, when there is a need to forgive, it is a time for giving LOVE. Allow yourself to experience God’s Love for you. Feel it flow through your body, your temple, your earth. Allow that love to flow through you to the person that you desire to forgive.
It is much easier and kinder to give yourself the gift of love and compassion than it is to hold yourself hostage to feelings of hatred and loathing. God never intended for us to live in such pain as is created in hatred and loathing. Letting go of perceptions that you or another intentionally set out to harm another is a falsehood. We perceive harm when we have allowed the channel of Love between us and God to be severed due to our own personal history. When another appears to be sending harm your way, it is personal about them, dear one, not you.
As we learn to understand the impersonal from the personal we will know that no one has the power to do us harm, it is only when we believe it to be that it appears. Even you are not capable of inflicting irreversible damage to yourself. All things are reversible and capable of returning to their Source, which is LOVE.
Forgiveness is a choice that we desire you to understand is for your own GOOD/ GOODNESS. It is good to let go of misunderstandings and return to LOVE. You, dear one, will be the one to benefit the most from this act of COMPASSIONATE LOVE. We desire that you receive, understand and practice this concept for it is with great love that we share it with you.
Patience is having the desire and intent to wait upon God. Dear one, it is not within you capacity at this time for you to understand God and why things are as they are. It takes fortitude to develop the attitude of Patience. To be in an attitude of patience is to know that there is a time and a place for everyone and everything, there is a season wherein all will be fulfilled. It is not for you to know before it is time. Patience must be nurtured, tested and put through the fires of life.
Dear ones, the easiest way to develop patience is to live your life with passion. Do every day those things that you love. Surround yourself with others that you love and that love you. Take time each day to express gratitude for that which you do have in your life that fills you with joy and peace.
Ask to know those things which you have the power to change and be empowered to change them. Regarding those things which are not in your power to change or affect, kindly leave them alone until such time arises that you are in a position to make a difference. Patience is the capacity to discern that which is for you to participate in and that which would be best for you to let simmer on the back burner of your life.
14 February 2009
Tonight, we wish to express our empathy to those who experience suffering through loss of a loved one. It is our desire to let you know how much we care and watch over you as you have many opportunities in your lives in which you go through these losses.
What you see, feel, or judge as a “loss” is merely a short time of absence from the physical body. This can be experienced through distance of time or space in the physical, or that of the separation over the spirit from the body.
Time is very relevant and evasive in the physicality that you have here on the earth. It is relevant to to the circumstances surrounding the event taking place. It is relevant to the relationships which you hold dear or choose to let go of for whatever reason.
There will be times in your lives when it is imperative for you to remove yourselves from situations and relationships which cause you harm. At any point in time that you feel harm, animosity, or enmity coming towards you, it is vital for your life to take appropriate action to protect yourselves immediately.
Again, we feel it is important to stress to you the importance of your emotional energy system. It is located in your gut. On earth you call it your “gut feelings”. We like to refer to it as your “God feelings”. This is a place where you feel within yourselves that which is a correct choice for you to make. When you honor those feelings, you get results that bring happiness into your lives. When you ignore, or discount these feelings they stay in your cell tissue and create dis-ease within these physical bodies in an effort to get your attention. As you continue to ignore these “God feelings” the discomfort within you grows until it manifests as a critical illness/disease. At this time, it is hoped that your soul will then have your full attention.
When you choose to pay attention to the “dis-ease”, and do some serious soul searching, your body heals. When you ignore all of the signs and signals, your physical body has no other alternative but to die in order for your to progress.
Death then just becomes a doorway to more and different ways of healing. Through the process of death, you are given time to reflect on your life. You must participate actively in letting go of the physical body in order to return to the realm of spirit life from whence you came.
We desire for you to know that main reason you have a physical body here on the earth is because it is only with a physical, temporal body that you can progress the easiest and the fastest. This is because your feelings and emotions are amplified making it easier for you to discern between all of the many and varied choices that you can experience. Choosing one new and different choice can change your life so quickly that most of you are so frightened by the prospect that you remain frozen in your fear of the unknown; thus, remaining in the most grueling and horrific relationships and experiences that can be imagined. Most of you reading this will know that is true and yet you will choose to become angry and turn away and remain in your painful lives.
For those of you who choose to make only one new choice you will receive at least ten fold of that which you anticipate. With each new choice you make it becomes easier and easier to listen to and follow your “God feelings”. Life becomes peaceful from within for you are no longer at war with yourselves or with God. This is such a good and beautiful principle of Truth.
As you go about your daily lives you will begin to see the beauty everywhere you look. You will hear the ordinary sounds that you used to ignore and they will sound like music to your ears. You will touch something or someone and it will be as if it was the first time. You will look forward with excitement and anticipation for each new day. You will return to the innocence of a child, you will become humble and teachable. You will rejoice at your new life and your body, mind, and spirit will rejoice and be exceeding glad.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Goddess Inanna Doreen Virtue, Archangels & Ascended Masters
A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities
Doreen Virtue, Ph. D.
(Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia)
Also known as Absus, Ishtar
A Babylonian mother and warrior goddess with multiple unique traits ranging from gentleness to motherly protection, Inanna is also invoked for healing physical pain and maladies.
She's associated with Venus, and some even believe her to be the embodiment of the planet itself. Inanna openly displays her sensuality, and this may be why some fundamentalists have judge and rejected her.
As I invoked Inanna, I clairvoyantly saw a picture of me standing with lots of ants crawling near my feet. Inanna showed me that lower energies or thought-forms were similar to a herd of ants and other insects crawling on the ground—distracting and irritating if they crawled on one's feet, but ultimately not dangerous.
She then shined a beam of light from above my head, downward, which formed a circle around me, as if I were standing, in a shower of bright light. The ants couldn't penetrate the light, nor did they want to. They would crawl right up to the light and then bounce back as if they'd just run into a wall of glass.
Inanna said, “Allow me the pleasure and honor of draping you in this robe of light, darling, I'm at your service and know that this doesn't diminish my ability to perform humble service. I know that the noblest of professions is to shine beams of light to cast away shadows and to illuminate the highest of Divine wisdom. Make no mistake about it: I'm here to ease and eliminate pain, suffering, and sorrow through my protective stance.
“Allow me to shield yo with my barriers of light that only allow love to come shining through, and filter out negativity in all forms. A positive new day shines for you, as you are draped in my robe of loving light. Drink it in, Dear One, Quench your thirsty soul away from all fear.”
A Guide to Working and Healing with Divinities and Deities
Doreen Virtue, Ph. D.
(Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia)
Also known as Absus, Ishtar
A Babylonian mother and warrior goddess with multiple unique traits ranging from gentleness to motherly protection, Inanna is also invoked for healing physical pain and maladies.
She's associated with Venus, and some even believe her to be the embodiment of the planet itself. Inanna openly displays her sensuality, and this may be why some fundamentalists have judge and rejected her.
As I invoked Inanna, I clairvoyantly saw a picture of me standing with lots of ants crawling near my feet. Inanna showed me that lower energies or thought-forms were similar to a herd of ants and other insects crawling on the ground—distracting and irritating if they crawled on one's feet, but ultimately not dangerous.
She then shined a beam of light from above my head, downward, which formed a circle around me, as if I were standing, in a shower of bright light. The ants couldn't penetrate the light, nor did they want to. They would crawl right up to the light and then bounce back as if they'd just run into a wall of glass.
Inanna said, “Allow me the pleasure and honor of draping you in this robe of light, darling, I'm at your service and know that this doesn't diminish my ability to perform humble service. I know that the noblest of professions is to shine beams of light to cast away shadows and to illuminate the highest of Divine wisdom. Make no mistake about it: I'm here to ease and eliminate pain, suffering, and sorrow through my protective stance.
“Allow me to shield yo with my barriers of light that only allow love to come shining through, and filter out negativity in all forms. A positive new day shines for you, as you are draped in my robe of loving light. Drink it in, Dear One, Quench your thirsty soul away from all fear.”
Monday, September 6, 2010
Dear Ones,
Each and every day, the Divine weaves Beams of Light through our lives that are not only Beacons for us to follow, these Beacons are also for those we love to assist them in following their own 'Beacons of Light'.
As we set that example for others and follow our own Beacon, an awakening begins as we touch others with our light. Their lights begin to be ignited and start burning within them. What a beautiful way to touch each others lives, through sending out rays of light and love. Can you imagine, Dear Ones, the effect that would begin to ripple throughout the Universe?
Take a moment and ponder what that might look like? As the Light Waves ripple throughout and through all existence? What can you see? What does it feel like? Dear Ones, even as you are pondering this, you are sending out Beacons of Light. Can you imagine what would happen if each person on the earth began to send out such thoughts each and every day, if only for ONE MINUTE each?
Each one of you is capable of co-creating with the Divine through this simple concept. Your own life will become more meaningful. Beauty will return to your vision. A Symphony to your ears. Joy in your heart. We desire that you begin to experience these beautiful thoughts and feelings in your mind and your heart. Begin with simply one minute at a time. Allow this Beacon of Light flow through your own body. Feel it, embrace it, accept it and then when you are ready, send it out for all to feel.
We are sending to you Beams of Light from our own Beacons, Blessings,
Each and every day, the Divine weaves Beams of Light through our lives that are not only Beacons for us to follow, these Beacons are also for those we love to assist them in following their own 'Beacons of Light'.
As we set that example for others and follow our own Beacon, an awakening begins as we touch others with our light. Their lights begin to be ignited and start burning within them. What a beautiful way to touch each others lives, through sending out rays of light and love. Can you imagine, Dear Ones, the effect that would begin to ripple throughout the Universe?
Take a moment and ponder what that might look like? As the Light Waves ripple throughout and through all existence? What can you see? What does it feel like? Dear Ones, even as you are pondering this, you are sending out Beacons of Light. Can you imagine what would happen if each person on the earth began to send out such thoughts each and every day, if only for ONE MINUTE each?
Each one of you is capable of co-creating with the Divine through this simple concept. Your own life will become more meaningful. Beauty will return to your vision. A Symphony to your ears. Joy in your heart. We desire that you begin to experience these beautiful thoughts and feelings in your mind and your heart. Begin with simply one minute at a time. Allow this Beacon of Light flow through your own body. Feel it, embrace it, accept it and then when you are ready, send it out for all to feel.
We are sending to you Beams of Light from our own Beacons, Blessings,
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