Monday, September 6, 2010


Dear Ones,

Each and every day, the Divine weaves Beams of Light through our lives that are not only Beacons for us to follow, these Beacons are also for those we love to assist them in following their own 'Beacons of Light'.

 As we set that example for others and follow our own Beacon, an awakening begins as we touch others with our light.  Their lights begin to be ignited and start burning within them.  What a beautiful way to touch each others lives, through sending out rays of light and love.  Can you imagine, Dear Ones, the effect that would begin to ripple throughout the Universe?         

Take a moment and ponder what that might look like?  As the Light Waves ripple throughout and through all existence?  What can you see?  What does it feel like?  Dear Ones, even as you are pondering this, you are sending out Beacons of Light.  Can you imagine what would happen if each person on the earth began to send out such thoughts each and every day, if only for ONE MINUTE each?

Each one of you is capable of co-creating with the Divine through this simple concept.  Your own life will become more meaningful.  Beauty will return to your vision.  A Symphony to your ears.  Joy in your heart.  We desire that you begin to experience these beautiful thoughts and feelings in your mind and your heart.  Begin with simply one minute at a time.  Allow this Beacon of Light flow through your own body.  Feel it, embrace it, accept it and then when you are ready, send it out for all to feel.

We are sending to you Beams of Light from our own Beacons,  Blessings,


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