To be congruent, one's heart and mind must be as one--
With the heart in the lead and the mind in agreement, you can accomplish all of the desires of your heart.
This level of congruency takes practice—it is brought into Being (Existence) through--
Silence and Meditation
Study and Prayer
Listening and Feeling
Becoming aware of very subtle energies around you--
Learning when to say 'Yes'
Knowing when to say 'No'
Answer 'YES' to the Divine
Answer 'NO' to Mammon, Man, Arm of flesh
Dear ones, there are so many ways in your lives that you choose to be incongruent. We would like you to know that every time you make a choice that is not congruent with your soul, you defile your body, which is your temple, you bring dis-ease and misery into your consciousness. You always know before you make a choice whether or not it is congruent with your soul. There is no longer time to waste. It is vital that all of your choices become congruent. There is too much dis-ease upon the earth. It is a manifestation of all the times you have been incongruent in your thoughts, and actions.
We have talked about choices in others places in this writing, re-read them until you become familiar with how you sell yourself for a mess of pottage as opposed to valuing and respecting your inner knowing, your intuitive guidance. All of your guides and angels are planting the seeds for your choices. Why do you think that you know better, you know nothing at all when you allow your ego to tell you such lies. It is the ego that has deceived you, not anyone outside of yourself has that kind of power, including the being that is referred to as SATAN! The only power anyone outside of yourself has is to “bruise your heal, like having a small pebble in your shoe. Well, how about you take the pebble out of your shoe and toss it away and begin to be accountable for you choices and what they are bringing into your life. No One has any power over YOU! Each choice you make draws to you a specific consequence. If you do not like the result, then CHOOSE AGAIN! Do not try to blame, shame or manipulate someone else into being responsible for you.
Through choosing to BE accountable and responsible for your choices you will come to know and understand that what we speak is of the TRUTH, it is true for everyone, it has always been true and it will remain true forever, it has no beginning and no end, it is the alpha and omega.
When you receive information from your gut, it is imperative that you follow it, regardless of what you “think” or are told by others. When you fail to do this, you betray yourself first and foremost and then you betray everyone else that is involved in the situation. This creates so much chaos and pain, it grieves us that you do not understand this concept for it is taught in many of your religions, especially those who teach of a Holy Ghost that gives you inspiration. In such cases where you believe in the Holy Ghost, you have not only betrayed yourself, you have denied the Holy Ghost. This is a most grievous situation of watch you participate in and it is totally avoidable.
Learn to trust and to follow your 'gut feelings', we call them your 'GOD FEELINGS', they come straight from the Divine. Honer them, follow them, and you will find more love and joy in your life and in the lives of those you touch with such acts of kindness that come from and through the Divine Truths and you will be Divinely Blessed for these small acts of kindness.
Updated and revised 2 October 2009
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