Saturday, December 18, 2010

How I came to know Inanna, The Goddess

Dear Friends, the following is a letter I wrote to a friend several months ago. It shares my journey into discovering my guide and friend, The Goddess Inanna. I have always walked a path between the two worlds, that of spirit and that of the physical. Inanna has taught me how to bring then together to assist others to heal their lives. I hope enjoy this blog. Please leave your comments, and if you have questions for Inanna, she would be happy to answer them. Blessings, MariahInanna

Hi Andrea, I went to your website and read your information. We do very similar work with our clients. I have just not been able to verbalize it in a concise manner yet. It is coming.

It was not until I was preparing for my 20 minutes w/Sharon the other day that I really came to accept that I MUST BE Inanna's voice. I don't really know how long she has been one of my guides. I started into the metaphysical realm in the early 80's about the same time as you. I was searching for answers to help my depression, in the early 90's I started more formal training which lead me to massage school.

I was after I started practicing massage that I knew I had someone guiding me, even though it took me several years to get comfortable about telling clients what I was receiving. I would argue in my mind until I felt like I was crazy. It was only 3 years ago during a Theta Healing class that a classmate saw Inanna behind me. He described her and I just started crying, I felt so humbled and blessed that I should be graced and honored. It was another year before I knew her name.

I had decided to change my name due to extenuating birth family issues. I was going to drop my maiden name, and tweek Marian to MARIAH. My one TRUE sister kept telling me I needed a middle name, after a year I said, "fine, I'll ask (silly me). I was told to get my goddess cards out and when I saw Inanna, I stopped, read about her and OUR lives are symbolically the same. I knew that was to be my name and that she was my guide that stood behind me and helped me and told me what to do and what to say.

As I got to know Inanna better she began speak through me rather than have me speak for her. That was interesting, still is. I need to get more comfortable allowing her to speak through me, so I am opening myself to being able to step into that space.

I find the hardest thing for me is to BE VISIBLE. If you remember when we first became friends on facebook I used my star, Inanna's Star, for my picture. So, this is a great challenge for me to put myself out in the open. I am ready for the challenge and look forward to growing exponentially. It is what I help others do and it is always hardest for us to walk our talk, and at some point me must surrender and fulfill all that has been promised, for that is where our JOY is.

Thank you so much for you encouragement and your help.


Dear Ones, we desire for you to know that this is hard for MariahInanna to share herself and her journey. We are pleased that you, Dear Ones, are reading this. This information is being shared for the purpose of YOU knowing that YOU too can heal your life and come into a place of peace and joy. It is time for you to either begin your transformation or to continue your journey into Joy. May you find peace in your hearts.

Blessings, Inanna

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