Wednesday, December 29, 2010

9 November 2009

Dear Ones –
We are so aware of your struggles – Lay down your burdens – Let go of your heavy thoughts – stop the shame and the blame – drop the oulda, coulda, woulda, shoulda's – they are tiresome and they are wearing you out.

Listen to your inner knowing – this is your guidance – hear the ind words of your guides and angels. Take time to BE STILL – Pause – Reflect – Breathe – then simply make the best choice you can and enjoy the present moment.

There is enough time for you to accomplish the desires of your hearts – 'you' are an 'Eternal Being' – NOT the body – The Soul is your Beingness – The state of 'Being' present in every moment of your life.

Your creation in the image of a living, loving God, is in the image of Love. Love is all encompassing of True Love, Joy and Peace, Serenity, Prosperity, Health and Yes, even Wealth.

Your inheritance is ALL that the Father Has – and, ALL IS IN, THROUGH AND BECAUSE OF THE FATHER.

Stop judging and start living! So what – someone said 'this' or 'that' – what someone outside of you speaks, is about them, speaking about themselves, from their own personal point of view. It is NOT about YOU. So, STOP taking it personal.

Now, Dear Ones, what 'you' say, think, feel, and do is about 'YOU'. What do you say to yourself? What do you think about yourself? How do you feel about yourself? What actions do you take when your thoughts and feelings are congruent with your love?

To BE accountable regarding any action, means that you give a statement reflecting your thoughts, words, feelings,and actions to the reflection of Love that you are – if the statement congruent? If so, then you will experience peace, more love and joy –

If not – then you experience the opposite – sadness, rejection of your self – your judge yourself your inability to be proactive in your own personal life takes you into being reactive to anothers' life and you push your rejection outside of yourself and send it out another person – you try so hard to deceive yourself and yet the Truth is, you know better – you can feel it in you 'gut'.

Choose today and everyday to be kinder to yourself and to let go of your need to control everything and everyone in your life – let yourself relax and re-create yourself in the image of your original creation of LOVE –

It is so much easier, kinder and simpler to live your life in LOVE as opposed to fear. These are the 2 emotions from which all others are derived.

Choose you this day which you will serve, Love or Fear. Each time you find you have fallen out of 'LOVE' simply make an accounting and then make a new choice. This time choose LOVE – choose Love – over and over as many times as you need to, want to . . . until you become one with that LOVE – You will become the “BeLoved”.

Blessings, Inanna

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

10 October 2009

Dear Ones –
We desire to share with you about how to recognize your guidance. How do you know which is the best choice for you make – especially regarding a career choice or change, a move, a change in your diet or exercise, a change in any of your habits or addictions you spiritual practice, etc.

You receive promptings, suggestions, intuitive insights all the time; they may come as thoughts, feelings or small visions, flashes of yourself being, having and doing whatever it is that a wise choice for you to make would look like.

Your life is always unfolding – each day you have opportunities for self-discovery – that is to uncover a mystery, that which is or was unknown to you previously about yourself, your desires, the next step on your journey.

We would like to encourage you that when you continue to have glimpses of what your life would be like – it is spirit combined with your Soul giving you advise on what the best choices for you to make are.

Life has a way of bringing you again and again towards your destiny – that which will fill you, and fulfill all of your inner yearnings.

These yearnings were created at the time of your individuation, the creation of your Soul in the image of God's Love – you are each being those faces of God from which you were created – It is intended that you remember who you are and to return to that Love that you may have a fullness of JOY –

When you forget who you are on this journey you call life, you descend into a deep sleep – you call it Depression. We call it forgetfulness – As you begin to listen to those yearnings within you and to follow them you begin to remember your source of creation.

From the remembering, you then begin to make choices that move you one step at a time towards your Joy. Joy comes through living your life through that which you are passionate about.

Your passion is aroused by the thoughts, feelings, and insights that yo have on a constant, daily basis.

As you knock, seek, and ask your passion is unlocked – you recognize it as it becomes stronger and stronger and the voices become louder and louder.

Many times you run from this just as Jonah in the Christian Bible. He ended up in the belly of a whale until he finally made the choice that he would go to Ninivah as God had told him to. You cannot outrun the fate that will draw you full force into your destiny. Fate brings those experiences that appear as happen stance, accidents, etc. These are orchestrated by the Diving to awaken your yearnings to live a life full of passion.

A life full of passion is calling you to remember who you are that you may learn to live a life of service – you can no longer sit on the sidelines and wish your life were different – It is NOT different, it is as it IS. You have the power to change your life and begin the journey back into your Joy by following your guidance each and every day.

One choice at a time is all it takes – choose to surrender, it is in the surrendering that you find yourself.

It has been said that, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” There is a destiny for you – a destiny calling you – you hear the whisperings, – answer the call – make the choice – Leave your life of regrets and move into your Life of Fullness – JOY, LOVE AND PEACE.

“Follow your Bliss”, for this is the measure of your creation –

We love you, Blessings, The Inanna

Thursday, December 23, 2010

26 October 2010

26 October 2010

Dear Ones,
Behold Your Little Ones,

Behold these beautiful children so recently received from the Heavens.

Hear their cries for food, warmth, nourishment and care. As you minister to them their needs, as you hold and feed them, diaper them, bathe them. Listen with your heart to their message.

Their Soul's, Dear Ones, are so full of the Divine's LOVE. They are anxious to heal your hearts and to teach you to unlock the God Codes within you.

They hold within them great potential – give them the gift of your presence.

Allow them to BE – Do not think that YOU must mold them – For they are perfect as they are – Their God Codes are intact and fully functioning. Do NOT fill them with your ideas and perceptions. Encourage them to remain open to the sphere from whence they have come.

Allow them to unfold to you – All of the Great Truths which they are bringing to the earth – untarnished Pure Truths.

Allow these beautiful children to shine forth their Light and lead you deep into the recesses of your heart that you may become child-like and innocent once again. Look into their eyes, you will see eternity. For you have always been together, you and this Blessed Child that you now hold in your arms.

As you become humble and teachable, Dear Ones, this is where the Divine can enter and ignite the God Codes of Light within you, that your God Codes will vibrate at the same rate as these beautiful children.

What JOY and Rejoicing will the Earth begin to shout forth as the Children of the Earth sent down from the Heavens are able to unite and raise their vibrational rate that the Earth may receive her paradisaical glory and Peace will Reign, Forever and Ever.

Blessings, Inanna

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas IS --

Christmas IS –

Christmas is
Christ Time –

It is Time for Christ
to be in your Heart –

It is Time to reflect on the Blessings
you receive from Christ –

It is Time to embrace
His Love YOU –

Yes, Christmas is
Christ Time –

It is Time for Christ everyday
of the Year.

19 December 2010

The Chapel of the Holy Cross

The Chapel of The Holy Cross

Today I felt you there
At the Chapel of the Holy Cross.

Today I heard you speak
At the Chapel of the Holy Cross.

I felt the silence
and the reverence shared
with those who also
came seeking---

The choir of youth
were as the Angels
That I am sure
announced the Birth
Of the One who brought us
Light and Life and Love

Today my heart released it's burden
At the Chapel of the Holy Cross

Inanna Jonas
17 March 2009
It was indeed a mystical experience

The Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi Tree

I sit beneath
my bodhi tree,
I take the time
to think
I ponder on the purpose
of Life
And find my soul
filled with peace.

I contemplate the
twists and turns
I thought my life
would never take
I now embrace them
one and allowances
And in them find sustenance
To feed my hungry

Inanna Jonas
17 March 2009

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How I came to know Inanna, The Goddess

Dear Friends, the following is a letter I wrote to a friend several months ago. It shares my journey into discovering my guide and friend, The Goddess Inanna. I have always walked a path between the two worlds, that of spirit and that of the physical. Inanna has taught me how to bring then together to assist others to heal their lives. I hope enjoy this blog. Please leave your comments, and if you have questions for Inanna, she would be happy to answer them. Blessings, MariahInanna

Hi Andrea, I went to your website and read your information. We do very similar work with our clients. I have just not been able to verbalize it in a concise manner yet. It is coming.

It was not until I was preparing for my 20 minutes w/Sharon the other day that I really came to accept that I MUST BE Inanna's voice. I don't really know how long she has been one of my guides. I started into the metaphysical realm in the early 80's about the same time as you. I was searching for answers to help my depression, in the early 90's I started more formal training which lead me to massage school.

I was after I started practicing massage that I knew I had someone guiding me, even though it took me several years to get comfortable about telling clients what I was receiving. I would argue in my mind until I felt like I was crazy. It was only 3 years ago during a Theta Healing class that a classmate saw Inanna behind me. He described her and I just started crying, I felt so humbled and blessed that I should be graced and honored. It was another year before I knew her name.

I had decided to change my name due to extenuating birth family issues. I was going to drop my maiden name, and tweek Marian to MARIAH. My one TRUE sister kept telling me I needed a middle name, after a year I said, "fine, I'll ask (silly me). I was told to get my goddess cards out and when I saw Inanna, I stopped, read about her and OUR lives are symbolically the same. I knew that was to be my name and that she was my guide that stood behind me and helped me and told me what to do and what to say.

As I got to know Inanna better she began speak through me rather than have me speak for her. That was interesting, still is. I need to get more comfortable allowing her to speak through me, so I am opening myself to being able to step into that space.

I find the hardest thing for me is to BE VISIBLE. If you remember when we first became friends on facebook I used my star, Inanna's Star, for my picture. So, this is a great challenge for me to put myself out in the open. I am ready for the challenge and look forward to growing exponentially. It is what I help others do and it is always hardest for us to walk our talk, and at some point me must surrender and fulfill all that has been promised, for that is where our JOY is.

Thank you so much for you encouragement and your help.


Dear Ones, we desire for you to know that this is hard for MariahInanna to share herself and her journey. We are pleased that you, Dear Ones, are reading this. This information is being shared for the purpose of YOU knowing that YOU too can heal your life and come into a place of peace and joy. It is time for you to either begin your transformation or to continue your journey into Joy. May you find peace in your hearts.

Blessings, Inanna

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

24 November 2010

Dear Ones,

We desire that you understand choice and accountability in conjunction with you mental, emotional and physical health.

As you are a Divine Being, Soul, placed within a physical body composed of matter – which is at this time only temporary housing for your Soul – it is important for you to understand how to take care of your self in the best possible way.

Firstly, within your Heart – you carry the God Codes – those patterns of Truth that act like the codes within homing pigeons and allow them to find their way home to point A when released from point B.

Within the God Codes are Eternal Truths that give you nudges – they are called, Desires. So when we speak of the Desires of your Hearts, this is what we are referring to.

Your mind is a magnificent piece of equipment designed to assist you in making choices – it is good for you to choose. It is important for you to understand the most beneficial way to make your choices.

You have been endowed in these wonderful bodies with what you call senses –

1. Smell
2. Taste
3. Touch
4. Feeling
5. Hearing

You also have a sixth sense, your inner knowing – your gut feelings – we like to call these feelings your God Feelings – They are connected with what is referred to as your 3rd Eye where you see solutions to problems or questions you encounter.

Your power to discern which choice is best for you to make requires that you understand and utilize all of these God given tools which are wired to your nervous system and you are then sent messages through your mental, emotional and physical bodies. Your health is intricately aligned with how well you negotiate the signals which are sent back and forth through your body using all of your senses in either perfect harmony or chaos.

In the majority of cases when you are in tune with these messages and follow them through to their highest Truth, you live in a state of Joy, and Health. When you dismiss your guidance and or ignore it your body shuts down and sends signals that may manifest as pain, illness or mental/emotional depression.

Yes, there are times when through contracts you made before you incarnated into this life time that require certain things in your life to transpire: Birth defects, accidents, even all kinds of illnesses/diseases. It is not always for you to know which you may be suffering from in the beginning or for what purpose it may need be required for you to experience your discomfort.

It is important for you to understand how the messages are sent through the nervous system and that there are Eternal Laws of Health that are in force here on your planet Earth.

Study is necessary – prayer is vital, asking for and receiving guidance from the Divine is not an option for you to heal. You do NOT want to ignore or take for granted these messages.

Having conversations with your Divine connections is extremely powerful and is to be first and foremost in the way you treat yourself in all areas of your life –

Even for you to express gratitude for your challenges in your life is very important – there is always and in all ways important lessons and concepts which you can come to understand as you search, ponder and pray for guidance in all areas of your life.

Dear Ones, Be willing to submit to those things which have Eternal Value – for those are the ones that bring everlasting Joy into your life – they ignite the God Codes within your Heart and bring you Peace in ALL THINGS.

Watch for and look for patterns in your life – what experiences do you continually see repeating – are you ready to experience your life in more positive and rewarding ways?

Learn t pay attention to what you body is speaking to you. For you have within you all the answers to all of the questions you have already asked and are still coming to your attention.

Dear Ones, we desire that you go forth and discover your Bliss and your Passions, that you may truly fulfill the Measure of Your Creation.

Blessings, Inanna

Monday, December 6, 2010

6 December 2010

Dear Friends,
My guide, The Goddess Inanna has always been with me. As a young child, I had intimate conversation with my guides on a constant, daily basis. We would talk and discuss things all the time. As I grew older, I realized that I spoke with my guides as if I were speaking with you, out loud. My siblings began to make fun of me, and as a young child of 8 or 9 this was very devastating to me. After a while, I can remember saying to my guides that I couldn't talk with them any more because the teasing was emotionally hurtful to me. I didn't understand at the time how important listening to our guides is. I now know that it is imperative that we listen, because that is why they are with us.

So, in my innocence I told them that I couldn't talk with them any more and they became silent. Or, perhaps, I just stopped listening and answering them. What I do know is that my life became lonely. I know now that they, my guides, never left me. They still spoke to me, I had just shut down the level of open communication with them. I was still protected and knew things on a more sub-conscious level as opposed to a conscious level.

Our guides never leave us, they are assigned to us, and, or chosen by us to assist us on our journey here on the earth. They understand us and their job is to teach us, protect us and help us to fulfill our destinies. They have shared with me that it is important for us to teach and assist these beautiful children who are now coming to the earth in bodies how to keep the veil open and communicate intimately with their guides.

I remember, trying to fit in, aka, be normal. Normal, I have come to know as what is normal for you, NOT someone else. We are not to base our lives on what others think, feel and do. We are to BE that which we are, Pure, Divine, Essence descended onto the earth plane to discover our Divine Being.

My life has been challenging in so many areas, in fact, all areas. It seemed that the harder I tried to fit in and MAKE my life look like what others were telling me it SHOULD look like. The more I turned from my inner guidance and my beautiful guides.

After getting married at age 20, I found myself in a downward spiral. My mental, emotional, spiritual and physical parts began to dis-integrate even more. I struggled to find my balance, and the more I listened to others, the more out of balance I became.

In my early 30's, I began to pray for delivery from the hell I was living in. I was depressed, suicidal, I wanted to die and have this life over with. I never attempted to take my own life, I know at the center of my being, that I would never even 'try' that. However, I did have death wishes and at one point, I asked one of my sons if he would take my life if I bought him the gun he had been wanting. This is not something that a mother puts on a child. I am only sharing it, that you may know the depth of my despair.

I am indeed grateful at this time that I found my way out of that deep darkness, that as I prayed for answers, I began to hear my guides and the voice of God, within me. I began to listen, for I was desperate to know WHY, WHY, WHY. As I learned to follow my guidance, I began to have glimpses of Joy. I knew in my heart of hearts that if I could experience Joy for even a second, then I could grow and nurture that feeling and eventually live in that space where Joy abides forever.

I have learned that we refer to that sacred space as Heaven.
My Dear Friends, Heaven is not some abstract place that is up in the Universe out of reach. Heaven is in our Hearts. It is accessible to each and every one of us through the God Codes which Inanna has taught me were encoded in our Souls at the time of our initial creation in the image of God's Love.

We must return to the Heart of the Matter, Our Souls, which reside next to our hearts and enter into the Rest, Love, Peace, and Joy that has always been promised us. It is a sacred space full of everything we need to live our life in the utmost Joy and Happiness. It is exquisite when we enter this space, time stands still and there is deep and abiding stillness that fills you to overflowing with Divine emotions that can not be expressed within our languages that we have here upon the earth.

I would love to credit my guide, The Goddess Inanna for intervening in my life and also Jesus Christ for his Love, His Atonement and Resurrection, I have been divinely, and intimately taught by these two personages for more than 25 years. They are my constant companions, friends, and confidants. As I dedicate my life to bring their message of love to you, I am filled with their love for each of us. I am and will be Eternally grateful, that we have not been sent here alone, to live by and through chaos and oblivion. We have been downloaded with the 'God Codes'. And it is desired by the Divine that we return to our original blueprint of Love, Peace, and Joy. MariahInanna

Dear Ones,
We desire to express to you at this time that you too have the capacity of living within your hearts in this place of Love. We desire that you enter into conversations with your guides and angels and begin to listen to their guidance. You all hear them. You know them and they know you. You have just gone into the oblivion of 'forgetfulness'. It is now time for you to remember.

Oh remember, those fleeting moments when you knew something was a good choice for you to make. Remember when you wanted to BE. . . Remember when. . . Those were all thought and feelings placed in your heart to guide you. To inspire you to Be, YOU!

When you breathe, your in breath is called, inspiration, the Divine enters your body with each breath you take. It is called, The Breath of Life. There is no accident in this Dear Ones. Your out breath is called, expiration. The air inhaled has 'expired', like the date on your products, it is no longer vibrant and life giving, therefore, you must take another breath of Life. Begin to consciously breath in Life and then release the expired air in preparedness for New Life to enter your body.

This is a simple exercise to become conscious of Diving intervention. You daily breath of Life. To take time each day to focus on your breath is a daily meditation that will open you to the deeper facets of your and return you to your heart.

Blessings, Inanna

Thursday, December 2, 2010

2 December 2010

As a child, I would often have 'bad' dreams. They were very real and disturbing. They always left me with a sense and a feeling that was very uncomfortable.

I would often 'sleep walk'. Going to the front door, having dreams, hallucinations, as I was going through the house in my sleep.

One day, my older sister found me in a closet drinking rubbing alcohol, she said, “Why are you drinking that?” I said, “I have to.” That too left me with wondering why I would do such a thing.

After I grew up and got married there were times when I would hear 3 knocks on my front door. I would quickly get out of bed, go to the front door and open it. There would be no one there. I felt so strange, and I would ask myself, “Why, would I jump so quickly out of bed in the middle of the night and go to answer knocks at my door in my night gown, no robe. It felt so strange, like a mindless robot, going through motions not even having a clue as to why I would do such a thing.

As my children got into their teen years and I had stopped taking the drug Elavil, I had a hard time sleeping. We would get disturbing phone calls in the middle of the night. I would answer the phone and I knew someone was on the other end, yet, they never spoke. It too was very disturbing to me. After several experiences like that I began to leave my phone off the hook at night. Eventually when I stopped leaving it off the hook the phone calls had stopped and didn't return.

I was attending a Rapid Eye Training and the facilitator would on ocaission mention “cult abuse”. And I would think, “Oh, thank god that can't happen to me.” I had a firm belief that because I was living my life a certain way that those type of things couldn't possibly affect me or even touch my life. I felt very safe in my belief system. And, yet, I had a deep underlying sense that I needed to know more about what she knew about cult abuse and I knew that one day I would have an opportunity to talk with her about it.

One day I was doing a session with my friend who taught Rapid Eye Training and was my mentor at the time, I asked her to do what is called a dyad. This is where you look into each others left eye with your left eye. Information is exchanged at a soul level. I felt shifts in my body and I knew that had been downloaded. I did not know at the time everything, of course, we never are given all of the layers of information at one time. We are only given what we need at the time we need it.

From that point on I began to learn how subtle the entities of the opposition work to keep you caught and trapped in half truths and even down right lies. They create illusions that you live your live in, thinking that you are safe if you only. . . If your life looks like. . . If you wear this. . . you will be safe. If you do. . . this you will be safe. All the time you are wondering why your life is screwed up and you are miserably unhappy and depressed all of the time.

Getting out of bed each day is a struggle, you have no support from you family. You have no support from friends, you feel sorry for yourself and you pull those who are willing to share you life with you into your web of 'oh, woe is me'.

Then, one day you begin to realize that cult abuse has touched you life in a huge way. Not only your life, the lives of all those you love dearly and wanted so much to protect from such bizarre rituals. You have memories, you have flashbacks, and your life begins to reel in such a way that you feel so out of control. You are not sure that you will ever be able to release all of the demons within and survive to tell about it.

Well, I did survive. And, I live as a witness that YOU too can survive many of the insidious experiences of your life. Not only CAN YOU SURVIVE, you can THRIVE. There is a beautiful life awaiting you. There is help. There are many with divinely inspired tools and gifts that can assist you on your journey to wholeness. I bear witness this is TRUE. For you a a Divine Being seeking healing from all manner of afflictions and the Divine has surrounded you with their love and they support you and I support you.

I am sending out my Love to you that you may know of a surety that you can heal and release the demons that keep you dysfunctional and unhappy.

Dear ones,

That which MariahInanna has just shared with you is her story, in her words. What we would like to share with you is that she speaks Truth. There is help and there is hope. You do not need to continue suffering from you past. It is so much easier for you to release it and move into a state of grace full of peace, and love and joy than it is to stay where you are debilitated and afraid to move forward.

You Dear Ones,YOU are even at this moment surrounded by those who love you and are encouraging you to take a risk. Break your silence, reach out and get help. Begin an open and honest dialogue with yourself. Forgive yourself for not being able to protect yourself. Forgive others for not protecting you. There are Divine reasons that the opposition exists here on the earth. It is to assist you in seeing how much stronger you are than it is. The opposition is only an illusion and within the TRUTH OF ALL THINGS, it has NO power at all. It falls to the ground and is taken back into the light to be healed, just as you will be healed from all of the effects that have been perpetuated towards you, Dear One.

We desire that you know and cling to the Truth of these words. That they give you strength to search out one you can trust to assist you in your healing work. It is time for you to break through your prison doors, for they are the illusions of your physical mind
and body and keep you from your JOY.

We leave with you a blessing and a promise that your JOY is within you and you can release it and allow it to fill you with a witness that you, Dear One, are worthy of feeling your worth. You are of great value to the Divine, follow your intuitive guidance and liberate your Soul. Rejoice and BE exceedingly Glad.

Blessings, Inanna

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 December 2010

Even as a very young child, I knew things were NOT right. I remember having strange sensations and feelings run through my body. I could sense my mother's unhappiness and when I would ask her what was wrong, she would say, “I was happy until, 'your father'. . .” So, I thought that daddies were responsible for mommies happiness.

Mommy was always unhappy. She would get angry at times and turn into a “witch”, her words. The one time I really remember the 'witch' was on one of my birthdays when I was still in grade school. It was evening, she was in the kitchen cleaning the table, and she was going on and on, as I remember the night, she seemed possessed. It was my birthday. I do not remember being told happy birthday, no cake, no present, nothing. At the time, I thought maybe I hadn't been good enough.

I will take over now, MariahInanna is having a hard time with her emotions. This was very traumatic for her. Her memories trigger emotions which she has held inside and never been able to express until now. She is crying as she types my words.

Dear Ones, children are to be treasured. They are to be protected from these kinds of traumatic experiences. Secrets create this kind of trauma. Secrets of incest, Secret of other forms of sexual abuse. Secrets of mental/emotional abuse.

You have been created in the image of God's Love. When you are not treated with such love, treasured and protected your world becomes a bad dream. No matter how much you try to be good, or to do good things, you feel like you are never good enough because the grownups around you are so filled with their own anger that they put that anger out and you are so sensitive that you feel like it is your fault and that if you can just be good enough, then mommy and daddy will be happy and then they will treat you in the way that you desire.

This is not true, because mommy and daddy have come from such debilitating abuse themselves they are under a spell. They are keeping secrets of immense weight and are reeling inside from their trying so hard to be good.

Dear Ones, this is where we get the program of “perfectionism”. We are downloaded from the opposition with thinking that if we do enough, have enough, we can then be enough. This is not so.

YOU are enough even as you are. You have been divinely created in the image of Love, Peace, and Joy! That is all you need to be. Claim these words for your Truth and you will begin to flow into that Divine space of REST. Rest from you afflictions, from your pain, from your misery and from your broken hearts.

Dear ones, we desire that you know that because you are created from the matter of the universe, that you MATTER to the universe. Your happiness is vital to the transitions that all are now experiencing here on the earth.

Begin to write your own stories. The secrets must be released in order for them to be healed.

Blessings, Inanna