Dear Friends,
My guide, The Goddess Inanna has always been with me. As a young child, I had intimate conversation with my guides on a constant, daily basis. We would talk and discuss things all the time. As I grew older, I realized that I spoke with my guides as if I were speaking with you, out loud. My siblings began to make fun of me, and as a young child of 8 or 9 this was very devastating to me. After a while, I can remember saying to my guides that I couldn't talk with them any more because the teasing was emotionally hurtful to me. I didn't understand at the time how important listening to our guides is. I now know that it is imperative that we listen, because that is why they are with us.
So, in my innocence I told them that I couldn't talk with them any more and they became silent. Or, perhaps, I just stopped listening and answering them. What I do know is that my life became lonely. I know now that they, my guides, never left me. They still spoke to me, I had just shut down the level of open communication with them. I was still protected and knew things on a more sub-conscious level as opposed to a conscious level.
Our guides never leave us, they are assigned to us, and, or chosen by us to assist us on our journey here on the earth. They understand us and their job is to teach us, protect us and help us to fulfill our destinies. They have shared with me that it is important for us to teach and assist these beautiful children who are now coming to the earth in bodies how to keep the veil open and communicate intimately with their guides.
I remember, trying to fit in, aka, be normal. Normal, I have come to know as what is normal for you, NOT someone else. We are not to base our lives on what others think, feel and do. We are to BE that which we are, Pure, Divine, Essence descended onto the earth plane to discover our Divine Being.
My life has been challenging in so many areas, in fact, all areas. It seemed that the harder I tried to fit in and MAKE my life look like what others were telling me it SHOULD look like. The more I turned from my inner guidance and my beautiful guides.
After getting married at age 20, I found myself in a downward spiral. My mental, emotional, spiritual and physical parts began to dis-integrate even more. I struggled to find my balance, and the more I listened to others, the more out of balance I became.
In my early 30's, I began to pray for delivery from the hell I was living in. I was depressed, suicidal, I wanted to die and have this life over with. I never attempted to take my own life, I know at the center of my being, that I would never even 'try' that. However, I did have death wishes and at one point, I asked one of my sons if he would take my life if I bought him the gun he had been wanting. This is not something that a mother puts on a child. I am only sharing it, that you may know the depth of my despair.
I am indeed grateful at this time that I found my way out of that deep darkness, that as I prayed for answers, I began to hear my guides and the voice of God, within me. I began to listen, for I was desperate to know WHY, WHY, WHY. As I learned to follow my guidance, I began to have glimpses of Joy. I knew in my heart of hearts that if I could experience Joy for even a second, then I could grow and nurture that feeling and eventually live in that space where Joy abides forever.
I have learned that we refer to that sacred space as Heaven.
My Dear Friends, Heaven is not some abstract place that is up in the Universe out of reach. Heaven is in our Hearts. It is accessible to each and every one of us through the God Codes which Inanna has taught me were encoded in our Souls at the time of our initial creation in the image of God's Love.
We must return to the Heart of the Matter, Our Souls, which reside next to our hearts and enter into the Rest, Love, Peace, and Joy that has always been promised us. It is a sacred space full of everything we need to live our life in the utmost Joy and Happiness. It is exquisite when we enter this space, time stands still and there is deep and abiding stillness that fills you to overflowing with Divine emotions that can not be expressed within our languages that we have here upon the earth.
I would love to credit my guide, The Goddess Inanna for intervening in my life and also Jesus Christ for his Love, His Atonement and Resurrection, I have been divinely, and intimately taught by these two personages for more than 25 years. They are my constant companions, friends, and confidants. As I dedicate my life to bring their message of love to you, I am filled with their love for each of us. I am and will be Eternally grateful, that we have not been sent here alone, to live by and through chaos and oblivion. We have been downloaded with the 'God Codes'. And it is desired by the Divine that we return to our original blueprint of Love, Peace, and Joy. MariahInanna
Dear Ones,
We desire to express to you at this time that you too have the capacity of living within your hearts in this place of Love. We desire that you enter into conversations with your guides and angels and begin to listen to their guidance. You all hear them. You know them and they know you. You have just gone into the oblivion of 'forgetfulness'. It is now time for you to remember.
Oh remember, those fleeting moments when you knew something was a good choice for you to make. Remember when you wanted to BE. . . Remember when. . . Those were all thought and feelings placed in your heart to guide you. To inspire you to Be, YOU!
When you breathe, your in breath is called, inspiration, the Divine enters your body with each breath you take. It is called, The Breath of Life. There is no accident in this Dear Ones. Your out breath is called, expiration. The air inhaled has 'expired', like the date on your products, it is no longer vibrant and life giving, therefore, you must take another breath of Life. Begin to consciously breath in Life and then release the expired air in preparedness for New Life to enter your body.
This is a simple exercise to become conscious of Diving intervention. You daily breath of Life. To take time each day to focus on your breath is a daily meditation that will open you to the deeper facets of your and return you to your heart.
Blessings, Inanna
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