We desire to share with you about how to recognize your guidance. How do you know which is the best choice for you make – especially regarding a career choice or change, a move, a change in your diet or exercise, a change in any of your habits or addictions you spiritual practice, etc.
You receive promptings, suggestions, intuitive insights all the time; they may come as thoughts, feelings or small visions, flashes of yourself being, having and doing whatever it is that a wise choice for you to make would look like.
Your life is always unfolding – each day you have opportunities for self-discovery – that is to uncover a mystery, that which is or was unknown to you previously about yourself, your desires, the next step on your journey.
We would like to encourage you that when you continue to have glimpses of what your life would be like – it is spirit combined with your Soul giving you advise on what the best choices for you to make are.
Life has a way of bringing you again and again towards your destiny – that which will fill you, and fulfill all of your inner yearnings.
These yearnings were created at the time of your individuation, the creation of your Soul in the image of God's Love – you are each being those faces of God from which you were created – It is intended that you remember who you are and to return to that Love that you may have a fullness of JOY –
When you forget who you are on this journey you call life, you descend into a deep sleep – you call it Depression. We call it forgetfulness – As you begin to listen to those yearnings within you and to follow them you begin to remember your source of creation.
From the remembering, you then begin to make choices that move you one step at a time towards your Joy. Joy comes through living your life through that which you are passionate about.
Your passion is aroused by the thoughts, feelings, and insights that yo have on a constant, daily basis.
As you knock, seek, and ask your passion is unlocked – you recognize it as it becomes stronger and stronger and the voices become louder and louder.
Many times you run from this just as Jonah in the Christian Bible. He ended up in the belly of a whale until he finally made the choice that he would go to Ninivah as God had told him to. You cannot outrun the fate that will draw you full force into your destiny. Fate brings those experiences that appear as happen stance, accidents, etc. These are orchestrated by the Diving to awaken your yearnings to live a life full of passion.
A life full of passion is calling you to remember who you are that you may learn to live a life of service – you can no longer sit on the sidelines and wish your life were different – It is NOT different, it is as it IS. You have the power to change your life and begin the journey back into your Joy by following your guidance each and every day.
One choice at a time is all it takes – choose to surrender, it is in the surrendering that you find yourself.
It has been said that, “If you want to make God laugh
“Follow your Bliss”, for this is the measure of your creation –
We love you, Blessings, The Inanna
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