Dear Ones,
We desire that you understand choice and accountability in conjunction with you mental, emotional and physical health.
As you are a Divine Being, Soul, placed within a physical body composed of matter – which is at this time only temporary housing for your Soul – it is important for you to understand how to take care of your self in the best possible way.
Firstly, within your Heart – you carry the God Codes – those patterns of Truth that act like the codes within homing pigeons and allow them to find their way home to point A when released from point B.
Within the God Codes are Eternal Truths that give you nudges – they are called, Desires. So when we speak of the Desires of your Hearts, this is what we are referring to.
Your mind is a magnificent piece of equipment designed to assist you in making choices – it is good for you to choose. It is important for you to understand the most beneficial way to make your choices.
You have been endowed in these wonderful bodies with what you call senses –
1. Smell
2. Taste
3. Touch
4. Feeling
5. Hearing
You also have a sixth sense, your inner knowing – your gut feelings – we like to call these feelings your God Feelings – They are connected with what is referred to as your 3rd Eye where you see solutions to problems or questions you encounter.
Your power to discern which choice is best for you to make requires that you understand and utilize all of these God given tools which are wired to your nervous system and you are then sent messages through your mental, emotional and physical bodies. Your health is intricately aligned with how well you negotiate the signals which are sent back and forth through your body using all of your senses in either perfect harmony or chaos.
In the majority of cases when you are in tune with these messages and follow them through to their highest Truth, you live in a state of Joy, and Health. When you dismiss your guidance and or ignore it your body shuts down and sends signals that may manifest as pain, illness or mental/emotional depression.
Yes, there are times when through contracts you made before you incarnated into this life time that require certain things in your life to transpire: Birth defects, accidents, even all kinds of illnesses/diseases. It is not always for you to know which you may be suffering from in the beginning or for what purpose it may need be required for you to experience your discomfort.
It is important for you to understand how the messages are sent through the nervous system and that there are Eternal Laws of Health that are in force here on your planet Earth.
Study is necessary – prayer is vital, asking for and receiving guidance from the Divine is not an option for you to heal. You do NOT want to ignore or take for granted these messages.
Having conversations with your Divine connections is extremely powerful and is to be first and foremost in the way you treat yourself in all areas of your life –
Even for you to express gratitude for your challenges in your life is very important – there is always and in all ways important lessons and concepts which you can come to understand as you search, ponder and pray for guidance in all areas of your life.
Dear Ones, Be willing to submit to those things which have Eternal Value – for those are the ones that bring everlasting Joy into your life – they ignite the God Codes within your Heart and bring you Peace in ALL THINGS.
Watch for and look for patterns in your life – what experiences do you continually see repeating – are you ready to experience your life in more positive and rewarding ways?
Learn t pay attention to what you body is speaking to you. For you have within you all the answers to all of the questions you have already asked and are still coming to your attention.
Dear Ones, we desire that you go forth and discover your Bliss and your Passions, that you may truly fulfill the Measure of Your Creation.
Blessings, Inanna
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