Saturday, February 9, 2013

‎ IS YOUR SOUL CALLING YOU? Do you have yearnings in your heart that are nudging you to make changes in your life. A different job, move to a new location, a change your vocation? These kinds of feelings are connected to your Soul's purpose. You are being called to step into your life purpose. Your life purpose is connected with agreements which you made before you descended to the earth for this lifetime. Your agreements could be with people, to live in a certain area, to work in a vocation that is tied with these agreements. Your agreements propel and guide your life in a direction that will enable you to fulfill your purpose. Living in alignment with your purpose is where one not only connects with their joy, one is also able to live abundantly, synchroniscities become a daily part of life. The Universe we live in is governed by Eternal Laws which are important for us to learn to obey. As we align with our Soul's purpose we also align with the Laws and our lives begin to work in a way that up to now may have been frustrating us. We now see the freedom that comes when one follows their intuitive guidance and flow with their agreements. The Goddess Inanna calls these desires 'The God Codes'. These codes are encoded in our cell tissue, every cell of our body knows what they are. The codes are intelligent and are connected with our guidance system, our intuition and our feelings, and therefore our heart and our other organs and especially the indocrine system, the immune system and the pituitary and pineal glands. You health is also indicative of whether you are following you guidance system to it's fullest. Many times a person will become ill because they are not living a life that is congruent with the God Codes. I have experienced this for many years; living with dysfunctions of the body, ilnesses and depression. As I have learned to align with my own personal 'Soul Purpose' I have found that the closer I come to living congruently, the healthier my body is. I have discovered this mostly on my own through trial and error and yet I know of many teachers that teach this principle as a Law of Health. I believe that this is how Jesus Christ was able to heal his followers. As he taught them, they aligned with the Truths he taught, they received witness of that Truth and came to him for healing, because they believed and had aligned in their hearts the healing was possible. I have also experienced this as a healer working with clients, as they are able to change the way they look at things, change their belief systems, their bodies follow suit and they are no longer plagued by the ailments that they had when they started seeeing me. My clients learn empowerment through their choices and consequences. Choice and consequence are the way that the world flows. It is based on natural and eternal law, what is truth for one is truth for everyone who walks upon the earth. These laws are not only for one culture, one country or continent. These laws are Law equally for every living person upon the face of the earth, those that have lived, live now and will yet live. As we learn to live our lives connected to the Laws are lives work and flow as they were intended. I ask for God's love to be with you and witness that which is of Truth and witness to you through your guidance system your Truths that you may connect with your Soul's call and answer accordingly. Blessings ~

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